Friday 30 December 2016

The Countdown Starts Now and Launch Is Closer Than Ever.

30th December 2016

This is a typical view over the Yorkshire & Derbyshire moorland in the middle of winter. The sky was quite blue and the sun was dropping to the west.

Its getting quite late in the afternoon and as you can clearly see, the Sun is settling down for the night in the distance.

These guys were super curios in the end and drowned out the silence with there constant Ba ba baaaa but it was quite funny as they looked liked they knew what each one was saying. The light was good for photography and I wish I had brought my camera, as it was, I just had my phone with me to at least capture a record of the moment.

Looking west and down the valley toward the distant rolling hillside of the Derbyshire border. In the bottom of the valley is Dam Flask of which is a great sight to see when the sun goes down as it creates a very dark looking stretch of calm water that is very mystical.

Above, the sheep had just been provided with there daily feed and it was clearly gratefully received as it's going to be dark in about 2 hours and very cold tonight

Looking down upon Dam Flask provides a view and impresion of just how low the lake itself is. The water always looks so black because of the shadows created my the hills as the sun drops in the distant background.

Looking back across the lake at the start of dusk provided the lake with so many features of colours to which I now regret not bringing my camera with me. However, my phone captured the moment admirably and I can't complain.

The sound of silence is only broken by the deafening sound of extreme silence. This time of day always creates such a spectacle of colour over the lake with the clouds appearing to be pink in the reflection of the lake..

Thursday 22 December 2016

Is The World Going Into Freefall Madness.

22nd December 2016

"What the Hell is Going On" the world going crazy?. In one week I hear that a Rusian Ambasadore to Turkey as assasinated by a Turkish Security/Police officer, followed by a mass killing of the German shoppers in an open air market in Berlin. "What is all this insanity about". It's suppsed to be the season of goodwill to others which is not a specific religious festival or tradition, just a simple simble of hope to all to show a little kindness to others and for some reason this is a signal to certain types to take presidence to this and kill others..!!. All I can say for them at this stage is I hope they are forgiven one day and come to terms with what they have done.

I have a theory about bahaviour and responses to action etc and it is a none proven theory but I susspect that if put to a vote, the majority may well agree with me and that is that love is better that hate and peace is better than war but for some weird reason, Politicians have not worked out how to profiteer or gain power through peace, unly war and dictation for some reason. For those who are contemplating anger, frustration or response to power struggles, please tell me that the picture to the left would help to calm you down in some way and not make you more angry and to that end I will feel my theory is 100% proven and successful in your individual case. If you disagree, please leave your reasons below in the space provided.

If you did write in the space provided or silently disagree, perhaps you saw the truck in the background and not the lady.......

The UK is poised and awaiting a major storm to hit our shores, I say poised but in truth I could not give a toss as in reality there is nothing I can do about it, However, I suppose it is better to be prepared in the old fashioned way of fore armed is to be for-warned but in this case it is just strong wind, rain and snow and Im sure that Eskimo's would laugh is they say it and simply take it all in their stride. Here in my part of the world (Yorkshire) we generally take it in our stride as snow is expected for Santa to do his work and we love a good moan about something and the weather is always a great reason for conversation of some kind.
I heard a story break today that whilst it will turn stormy and cold for the next few days, it will be unusually warm on Christmas day.

I am still at a point in time where I have not decided exactly what I am going to be doing at Christmas but suffice to say it will be a bore and non exciting in so many ways. However, looking forward to the horrizon, the New Year has much more values atatched to it in my world and for me, it can't come around quick enough but whilst Im waiting, the Christmas festival does give me a good excuse to smile with a cold beer while watching the time go bye and prepare myself for a long time with no beer while focusing upon duties more pressing. It is common knowledge that I am in the process of a move and over the Northern border allows me some special changes in my life and as such I am focused upon whiskey and strange money with free prescriptions and sensible people for a few years. My final location yet to be confirmed but probably already decided for so many logical reasons.

 This week brought me an amusing moment of crazy where I passed a local house of preaching in West Yorkshire (Bradford) and noticed a pile of sandles and shoes, which in itself was a little strange to me but when I saw what was atatched to the bike stand, I found myseld even more amused and as such felt compeled to take a picture for my own amusement in which I now share with you all in the hope that you see the humour and not to critisise the insigator. In order to balance up the tone of this joke or humour, I have placed another picture below of an even more rediculous situation to which made me smile as the logic of such an idea of assuming this would prevent the vehicle being removed, stolen or otherwise is beyond even my wildest imagination, However, it did make me smile.

Please remember it is the season to be merry and have a wonderul Christmas and stay safe so we can all meet up back here in the start of another week of humor and sarcasm.

Monday 19 December 2016

6 Days To The Fat Man In The Red Coat

19th December 2016

The Global Madness to which goes under the banner of Christmas continues and I still ask myself the obvious question of "Why". Maybe it is me who is getting grumpy but I remember when we visited our families at Christmas and often just baked a cake or mince pies and took them round as a present but today it is a total commercial market of who can spend the most on others and then behind their back, discuss behind closed doors just how little they spent on you..!!

When I see the news at night of people round the world fleeing for their lives, I ask myself what they will get for Christmas and how much our world does not value money and posessions that are fundamental to life, when there are people dying for simpe needs like fresh water or a portion of food. The commercial world has so much to answer for and humanity is no longer a reality in the daily lives of others.

I was in my city centre today and as one might expect, the
 chaity collectors were out in force and with little enthusiasm
except to say that they were presumably offering there time for free "I hope". However, what I noticed in the crowds was just how many people stepped to one side to avoid the request for some money, or worse still was the embarassment of watching people lok deep into the darkest corner of their wallet or purse to find the smallest amount of currency they could find and even then it was on the basis that it would be more beneficial to them to get rid of, than actually feel generous about helping someone with a small token of kindness that may affect there Christmas in such a positive way and deep down I felt quite ashamed of what I saw.
The will of the world to help others is one that appears to have lost us all over the last 30-40 years and perhaps our values have changed to the point of insignificance and I for one would hope that it changes backwards in so many ways.
I do have a theory about much of this bad feeling and it is often self inflicted by charities and such like. I personally remember the Salvation Army using colelcted monies to trade on an investment program within the banking world that turned out to be a scam, the bad press that hit the headlines was that £25,000,000.00 was lost to a banking scam and this is just one of many countless charities that are at best "questionable" or dubious for so many reasons. I also anger at what is described as "Expences or Trustee Allowances" that are taken out of charities funds to see so called celebraties compensated for there modest contrabution toward the so called cause, they should be ashamed.

 The way I view Santa is through a cunical eye and sarcastic offering. I truly belive in the world being kind to others and for me, why not use that time as Christmas but when you see that the self inflicted death rate goes up (Suicide), Divorce rate goes through the roof and family feudes goes mad then I will always ask myself "What Good Will". I saw on the news our wonderful Prince Harry helping kids in Africa which was such a delight to watch and then when I see how many kids just want someone to play a game with them, spend some quality time teaching them etc, I ask why no one follows Harry in a local way and puts a smile on someones face for free. Maybe if you are reading this, you should just do one kind gesture for someone and spend a morning or afternoon helping someone for free and just see how good it makes you as well as them feel inside. To put it in retail terms it's "Buy One Get One Free". What could it hurt to show a little kindness to others this of all weeks ?.

For those who are with families this year, I hope you all have a truly wonderful time and for those who's families are away, overseas, working or otherwise not with you, please spare them a kind thought of good times and if possible, give them a call or something. It will make you feel better and also brighten up their day so much. For me, Im not 100% clear what Im doing this year but what I do know is what Im not doing and despite 18 years of so called closeness of freindship, have decided that Bullshit is bullshit no matter what trimmings it has on it and as I have always been regected at Christmas, bank holiday or any other event, I have turned my back forever in view of a more optimistic future and positive focus on my own life. Im very posstive about the new events in my world and expect that 2017 is going to be a bright start and a reality check to my life in the direction to which I am heading. If you want to know what they are, it's quite simple and on a need to know basis and as you do not need to know, you can simply leave yourself wondering why I never told you about the good things in my world and how the bad things are left so far down the road that I no longer care enough to share that information. If you do see Santa, please thank him for my present as it truly was a gift from God and something that a price cannot be placed upon it but suffice to say it is all I ever dreamed of and it is something that will last forever and has no possibility of "Refund" in any way.

Merry Christmas All From The Wonderful World Of Peter Hulbert and please go safe, if you are having a drink, please don't drive and lets see you all back here in good spirit in 2017. I will leave you all on a positive note with a local rendition of some mates of mine who are hoping to raise lots of money over Christmas with a great and funny song for charity, Good Luck Guys and God Bless.

Friday 9 December 2016

The Crazy Week Of December

9th December 2016

The wekk started out totally normal "although Im not sure what normal is these days" and whilst the weather was ok this week, people certainly are not. The madness of people who belive there own lies goes on and to those who know me, you will know what Im refereing to.

It was a good week is some respects as the Monday blues soon passed over, followed by the Tuesday cray catch up which meant a trip to the office in Holmfirth and a cup of tea in my favourit cafe "Sid's Cafe" most famous for the point used in the filming of the last of the summer wine series that frequented our TV's for so many years.

My Wednesday was a little mental at times too, I had a meeting to attend but as it was warmer here that it is in Greece, it was difficult to predict how to dress or more to the point how others may dress. The meeting went well and then it was a drive back over the hills as I promised to meet up with some friends at Meadowhall for drinks and lunch and what should have been 1-2 hours of chatting, ended up being 5 hours and a Taxi drive home due to the inability to see the car through the blurred vision produced by so much beer and whiskey.

Meadowhall has excelled this year with it's wonderful Christmas display to which they always create such a wonderful atmosphere in which to shop and it's such a family friendly place to be and I recommend it to you all.

My weekend is dedicated to my very best friend in the world who is not here with me right now but overseas and due back soon, and my daughter to whom is going out on Saturday to the o2 theatre to see a live act of the Everly pregnant brothers to whom are a huge act here and have to be seen live to appreciate the atmospher of such comedy.

My history and connection with business and based upon experience tells me that anything of commen sense with stop this week and right through the Christmas period and what will be will be and what won't be won't be. Real deals will happen and fantasy is always fantasy and as such we will start ober in 2017 with a fresh smile and a positive attitude of going forward.

 If you are intending on pissing someone off this week, beware as they may have CCTV and that probably says more about them than it will about you. Anyone with CCTV is automatically a susspicious person as they need more protection from the rest of us. I have a B_tch of a neighbour and her husband is a Tw_t to whom no one ever speaks to, they have been involved in Dog fighting, arguments, threats of abuse and the list goes on and this week it was my turn to piss them off. Ha ha haaaa........they can't touch me with a barge pole but what I can say is it was super funny watching them try. The big problem with them is he is a dirty minded pervert whom is very dissliked by all because he is an alcholic and she is a nasty peice of work who just loves trouble, I hasten to say one wrong word in my face and they will rest easily with a lengthy sleep and a peaceful few days nursing the sore point of contention.

Im looking forward to some news from York and Turkey over the coming few days and if that news comes, I shall be dancing in the street in January if not before.

Can I just offer a health warning to anyone who may be looking to purchase some mince pies from Iceland this year, check out the package and you may need to smell the content to satisfy yourself that it does not smell of fish. If we are to belive the packageing, the content of these pies is "Minge" and it's very much an aquired taste in anyone world. What I would say is a fresh one is much better than an old or out of date one. These were found on a shelf in an Iceland in Sheffield and whilst it might be a special offer or taste, I would prefer the traditional ones as I know where they have been and what they are made of, the last thing I would want to find in these would be a curly hair or even worse. I like a bit of Christmas spirit but somethings are taking it too far and Im not 100% sure they are approved by Santa or any of his Elf's but it could explain via a process of eliminination just how Rudolf got his red nose or why Santa always says "Ho Ho Ho". It does beg the question why Santa gets a mince pie in every house he visits and probably explains why he empties his sack so often and rumiges in so may stockings in such a short period of time. I suppose I would be the same if I had not had any "Ho Ho Ho" in 12 months too.

Thursday 8 December 2016

Everly pregnant brothers : Lidl

The Everly Pregnant Brothers play 'Fat Twat'

Everly pregnant brothers : pork pie

The Everly Pregnant Brothers - No Oven No Pie

Everly Pregnant Brothers - Oyl Int Ruwad (Hole in the Road) - In Lego

Monday 5 December 2016

December 2016 & Winter Is Here

5th December 2016

What can I say that will not be said by everyone writing a diary in my part of the world, fog, fog, fog and more fog. It was so thick when I arrived back on planet earth and the sun barely broke through although toward the later part of the afternoon, it did show it's face briefly. However, I did say briefly as it showed it's face at 3.00pm but by 3.30pm it had gone for good and the temperature dropped so quickly that the inevitable happened and the fog simply came back with a vengeance and was very thick on the M1 motorway as I headed south for about 20 miles.

The weekend was something that was affected by the sad news about Andrew Sachs and the sad news of his end to his life. It was sad because we all grew up watching this wonderful performance as Manuel the Spanish waiter in Faulty Towers and brought so much happiness to so many fans.

I have to venture out tomorrow and I'm hopeful that the fog has lifted before I set off as it is very dangerous on the roads with so many ignoring the speed signs and driving like they have nine lives. I will up-date you all about my day out when I return tomorrow and share where I have been and what I got up to.


Tuesday 22 November 2016

Peter Hulbert : A Week Of Reflection

Peter Hulbert : A Week Of Reflection: 19th November 2016  

24th November 2016

Its been a very event full week to say the best, in fact if ever there was a week where many things happened except the ones that you planned for, this was it. As many people know, most of my quality friends come from overseas and they are all irreplaceable for so many reasons but while each and every one has there own culture, character and charm, they all share morals that are without question and would shame people in my country who claim to be friends.

Well, I suppose you want at this point to know what did go right........or wrong depending upon your attitude. In truth, nothing went right this week and everything got delayed because of the things that went wrong. However, delays are part of life and so are the events that we never planned for. There is a wonderful motto as used by the English desert rats in WW11 which is "Expect the unexpected" although quite how you expect the unexpected is beyond me but I do take the sentiment and understand the message it offers.

My week started by a call from my dearest and most loyal friend from a country far far away whom had an accident and fractured there ankle and whilst it was not a full blown break, these things are so painful in so many ways and cause so much inconvenience to ones daily life, the knock on affect was to tumble down the line and cause myself much concern in so many ways. However, as is the nature of the beast, a one legged friend is a thousand times better than the two legged back stabbers I have in abundance here in my world and life and despite the pain, they found the strength to continue albeit in a slower form.

As the festive season has kicked in here in the UK, my week of post office parcels and deliveries has been many and the excitement of opening what almost always turns out to be something boring and less exciting as one expected gets me through the days and weeks sometimes. I am planning to visit my City next week to view the Christmas lights and atmosphere in all it's splendour and as usual, I suspect will end up in some bar with my daughter having a beer and burger.

I will thank you for your support in reading the daily life as boring as it is but hey ho, it's sometimes better to read about my life than worry about your own.

Monday 21 November 2016

Floods Of Sheffield In November 2016

21st November 2016

The Buzz word for today is "Wow". We were told that flooding only takes place every 400 years in Sheffield but once again, there is a slight mis-calculation of about 390 years as the place is suffering high river water levels and road flooding in many places in the City with major problems with both traffic and even to the point that the Supertram has been affected.

Below are a few short videos from the last time we suffered this fate in Sheffield and fortunately accidents and injuries were down to a minimum but sadly one very young boy playing by a river in millhouses park was washed away and drown.

The building to the left & right in this picture was made famous by Mr Tony Blair who suggested that Forgemasters (the buildings in reference) were being conned by Iraq who were in fact making the worlds biggest guns and placed an order with Forgemasters for Gas pipes to which Mr Blair said was huge gun barrels and thus resulted in the Iraq war. The result being many lost lives and injuries, instability in the Middle East and Islamic fractions world wide turning toward terror.

As you will see by the depth of the water levels on Brightside lane Sheffield, the water reached over the top of car roofs and many were simply washed away. From my own memories, I always remember the air sea rescue helicopter lifting people out of a flooding building in Sheffield, not an everyday event for my City.

Friday 18 November 2016

Congratulations !!

18th November 2016

I want to dedicate this post to a very dear friend of mine from a place far away right now but to whom will be on our shores very soon.

This person to whom I have decided to protect there identity until they allow permission to use there name and details has climbed the biggest mountain ever over the last few years but in particular 2016 which has seen my friend battle every obstacle ever and overcome tragedy and adversity on a grand scale, only to keep picking themselves up on each and every occasion and carry on through to the finish line.

My friend had a dream of becoming a Doctor from a very early age and whilst it has yet to be confirmed, that day came today and the reward for such dedication is something I'm truly proud to share with everyone I know. My friend spent some 6 months in reviser school after studying for 4 years and over the last 6 months has had exam after exam and despite holding a job and long distance travel to and from to work & school, somehow found the strength to keep going and see it through. Amongst many prestigious positions of responsibility held along the way, the one memorable one to myself which I was so proud of was the President of the student Union.

When I reflect back over the last year especially, I remember so many down moments and so few up ones but it's not the struggle that I remember today but the moment of joy which came today and the reward for all that dedication will be success on a grad scale.

I want to show my gratitude to my friend for all the pain and suffering and dedicate a song for them to hopefully enjoy and see the meaning and intent of such a powerful tune:


My second dedication is in memory for my friends family whom I know was there in a spiritual way to watch over the whole process and send a message of hope from where they are today.

Wednesday 9 November 2016

The USA Presidential Elections 2016

9th November 2016

Wow, who would have bet on the result of Donald Trump entering the Whitehouse except to apply for planning permission to turn it into another Trump Tower. Well in truth, many of us saw it coming and it was clear to see. It is the same ethos of the BREXIT syndrome, the simple truth is people voted for change, even non specified change such as Brexit. We don't need it spelling out, it plain and simple that across the world, the people and masses are tired of what's happening in their lives and want change. We want peace, we want corruption to end, we want fairness and we want to enjoy our lives together. I can't speak for Trump but what I can say is it is a clear signal to the world that people in the USA want change. I can't speak for my Government but once again, the majority voted for change. Stop calling us stupid, we are not stupid, but stupid people are calling us stupid.  

I would like to wish Mr D Trump every success with his appointment and lets all pray that this a another opportunity to cold water on any talks of war and that the whole world can learn to get along together and share our space on the planet in peace.


14th November 2016

Today is a bit of a weird one in as much as that the whole world is excited about the phenomena which is taking place right now in our skies, "The Super Moon". We have not been so lucky here in the UK as it's a little cloudy outside, although for about 10-15 minuets, there was a break in the cloud enabling me to see what is something quite weird. If we are to believe the experts, it will be over 50 years to the next one and I suspect I will miss it.

My weekend passed without drama and whilst I was invited out to my Daughters for Sunday lunch, I was pleasantly surprised at the wonderful detail and quality of the meal, to which I truly enjoyed. My daughter and her partner made a 1st class lamb hot pot to which was truly a delight.

I'm routing for someone very special this week who is feeling so alone while studying for the final event and exam on Friday to which I am fully confident they will pass which is their PHD exam and will grant them the privilege and status of Doctor from Friday and has made me so proud and honoured to be a part of. I have never witnessed someone go through so much hard and testing times and come through to be stronger and display such qualities that would put so many to shame.

There are many good things planned for the week ahead and in order not to bore or create a lack of interest, I have decided to keep this posting short so as to provide some better updates as the week goes by.

I want to thank you all for your support on the twitter account and facebook as well as the google + which seems to offer you all a smile at the jokes and pictures.


15th November 2016

Today (Tuesday) was a bit of a long haul as there was little to do and as such the day simply drags by. However, to flash through my day would at least be fair to share it with you.

It started out rather a mild day with broken cloud and occasional bright spells of sun light and as it was at least dry, a walk was the order of the day. I am as I have mentioned on many occasions rather a lucky person in that my local park is a very urban affair, surrounded by trees and wide open spaces with a small lake with fishing platforms on for anglers and cutting right through the park from one end to the other is a stream to which my daughter used to catch stickleback in some 18 years ago.

Oh how the years fly bye as she is now planning for her wedding day in the distant future. Im so proud that she has her own home and truley lovely partner and it's quite a rare thing today to see people so happy and despite the struggle of life, the one thing that is very noticable is that they are truly happy with each others company which to me, is really important.

My good friend will be wakening up in a few short hours and they have two more days of study before the big day that they worked so hard for and will result in a highly qualified position of responsibility to which they truly deserve.

I have been reading many news items today in regards to BREXIT to which some are frankly disgusting and should be treated with contempt. This country have a vote, it was a very simple vote of Yes - No. Yes to stay in Europe or No to Europe and leave. Im sick and tired of high profile politicians bleating on and suggesting we are stupid and conned. I am not stupid and was not conned. I know what "In or Out" means and I voted out as did the majority of this country, so why do those who do not respect democracy recognise what we the people voted for and realise it is they and not us who are stuipd and don't get it. We don't give a toss what the deal is or was, we want out. 

Wednesday 2 November 2016

Yoga Nidra - Meditation

3rd November 2016

I would like to introduce to the people who suffer with relaxation and sleep problems a video to which a great friend of mine sent to me and I feel it was such a great gift that I feel duty bound to share it with all of you.

The video will not play with your mind or change your personality etc, it may not even be of any help at all, but what I would say is do not knock it until you try it and as it is totally free, I would ask you to simply relax and hopefully enjoy.

I would like to say a huge thank you to my dear friend "Alick" for sending me this. In a world full of stress and frustration, it is nice to simply clear the mish mash in our heads and calm down to a relaxing place where we enjoy a good nights sleep and rest.

7th November 2016

Its been quite a change of climate more than anything in the last few days, the first real taste of winter has arrived and it was frost on Bonfire night when the kids were all wrapped up and ready to absorb the moment that we all celebrate and remember the first official terrorist in the UK. Guy Fawkes was professed to have dug a tunnel under the parliament building, filled it with gunpowder and almost pulled off his plan to blow up parliament and all inside. I have never quite understood why we celebrate it as apposed to mark the occasion in other ways but perhaps it says a lot about the British mentality in so many ways.

I caught a glimpse of the weather for the rest of this week and the prediction appears to be quite gloomy with snow almost certain within the next few days. November is one of those quirky months in the UK when it can be either mild or cold and often sets a precedence for what's to come and whilst I have no idea how it's achieved, the long term predictors are suggesting it's going to be a very long harsh winter of which for the last few years, we appear to have escaped.

In order to keep the flow going on the life and times of Peter Hulbert, I am going to have to venture out a little bit in order to generate some more photography and visual affects for you all to see and view. The problem is it's so cold outside but if the snow comes, I promise I will take some pictures to show you all just how the scenery changes to white in large volumes when the snow arrives.

Referring back to Guy Fawkes night, it all passed over without incident from my end although I did see many reports about injuries and accidents which are always so frequent at this time of year. I'm so proud that my Daughter is not such a fan of the whole event and has at least got a good head of common sense in this area to which I hope she hands on the her kids if she has any.

Monday (today) brought me a shock by way of an old friend popping up on Twitter and responding with a bit of humour to which brought a smile to my face, he is someone I met through similar circumstance whom is a true friend and a blessing to know. I'm pleased that Vince is ok and doing well.

I will continue to keep the blog going and inform you as life progresses and keep the interest for you all flowing I hope. A big thank you for reading and spending some time laughing or crying at the life and times of Peter Hulbert as it unravels and happens.

Sunday 30 October 2016

Happy Halloween 2016

30th October 2016

I would just like to wish all of my friends and followers a Very Happy Halloween and please stay safe and enjoy the fund and parties.

Despite what people may think, I did not model for the picture below but I might know who did ?
I may share that persons name one day but for now my lip's remain tightly closed....!!

I understand the quote below could be argued in court or questioned in a debate, I may even loose but who gives a toss, I sure don't....!!


1st November 2016

Well the big Halloween came and past without too many issues, I saw my first ever killer clown disguised as a 12 year old kid with a red nose and bright yellow hair. He didn't look like a killer but if the press were to be believed, he is probably a mass murdered and responsible for terrorising half the world. Me, I prefer to see him as a crazy kid dressed up for a bit of fun.

There seemed to be many kids out this year with pumpkins and one wonders why schools don't embrace the opportunity to show the kids how to cook a pumpkin and make a soup, a vegetarian lunch and a pumpkin pie out of the contents to encourage the kids to eat healthy, be creative and embrace the whole experience from a more positive way. One might say "Buy one, get 3 more free".

I have been having some issues with my computer this week and after reading on the internet, I'm not the only one. It appears that when up-grading to windows 10, some of us have lost the sound on our computers, fortunately I have another to fall back on until the problem is resolved.

My best friend is away for a few days this week and due back on the 4th and to say It has been quiet would be an understatement, however, the rest of my week has been very normal in so many ways. I'm heading out in the morning on business and my meeting on Monday was very positive and had many good things come from the meeting.

We have a very big event arriving in the next few days here in the UK. The 5th November is the time we remember Guy Fawkes who in truth was a terrorist and tried his very best to blow up our parliament, some might suggest it should be done again but not I. Its really a commercial event to sell fireworks and burn rubbish on bonfires, many of our parks and recreation areas have fun fairs and events happening, it's kind of weird to celebrate what was an attempted mass murder event but I suppose we are British and it only makes sense to us.

Autumn is in full swing now and whilst Monday the 31st was truly a very warm day, it's predicted to turn very cold from the 2nd onwards and that would suggest that my wearing of shorts every day may well be ending for a while.

I hope you enjoyed my swipe at humour above with the pictures and comments, they were selected to coincide with Halloween and despite people asking, it truly is not my butt as the pumpkin although I do know who's butt it is and I did have a hand in the creation. (It was my idea)

I would like to thank you all for supporting my Twitter feeds, it's truly appreciated and you are still welcome to follow my Facebook account if you wish and as always, your support is truly appreciated.

I hope you enjoyed a moment in the world of Peter Hulbert through my blog site and I will endeavour to keep it updated on a regular basis to keep the interest flowing.


2nd November 2016

Today was a super day !. Have you ever had one of those truly lazy days when you wake up late, have a shower late and simply enjoy th elongest cuppa in the morning in total peace and quiet. "That was me today". I had the laziest day ever as I had no reason to go over the hills to Huddersfield and as I was running late and no cimmitments today, I simply thought sod it....!!

It was quite a shock when I got up this morning though as someone had painetd white frost everywhere outside, so the buzz word was a nice hot cup of tea would solve any problems I had to deal with today.

Im stil trying hard to hold my end up with the commitment that I made to write and update my blog on a daily basis and whilst it easy to say I will do a thing, in reality there is somedays when there is little if nothin to say, that said, sometimes that is more interesting that an actual event to report on as we reflet our thoughts of doing nothing and it's sometimes more interesting to hear that someone else has nothing to do instead of admitting that ourselves have nothing to do. My point in question might be the watchers of "Big Brother" who spend all day sitting around doing nothing except watching someone else sitting around all day doing nothing. Its a weird sentement but true none the less.

I will confirm that throughout my day I was tuned into my headphones and absorbing the moment with a great musical genius to which I hope you will also gain some pleasure from as I did:

Life has always had it's up's and downs but when Van Morrison appears, the down period stop's and the up time re-appears like and Angel in the skies....!!

Thursday 27 October 2016

Wortly Hall On A Foggy Day In Autumn 2016


This is quite a wonderful spectacle to see, whist the road itself is quite a boring one to photograph, the way the beech trees grow across and create this wonderful natural arch and conopy over the road is a dream to photograph. The bonus to this road is because it is not so popular for motorists to use, it allows for good pictures without the frustration of traffic.

This is quite

This shows a slightly different view of the road and trees and some of the overhanging vegetation looks quite creepy at night.

These are the slightly foggy and misty grounds of Wortley Hall. Its a local spot for weddings and a venue for events etc.

I have little if no knowledge of fungi but what I have learned in life is that nature almost always uses red as a signal for danger and as such I prefer to take pictures and not handle these little fungus or toadstools to which the Elves have probably cast a spell upon.

Below is a fungus that I only know as a "Stink Horn" although I susspect there is a more accurate name probably in Latin but I grew up calling them stink horne which was a name we were taught at school for this fungi.