Wednesday 9 November 2016

The USA Presidential Elections 2016

9th November 2016

Wow, who would have bet on the result of Donald Trump entering the Whitehouse except to apply for planning permission to turn it into another Trump Tower. Well in truth, many of us saw it coming and it was clear to see. It is the same ethos of the BREXIT syndrome, the simple truth is people voted for change, even non specified change such as Brexit. We don't need it spelling out, it plain and simple that across the world, the people and masses are tired of what's happening in their lives and want change. We want peace, we want corruption to end, we want fairness and we want to enjoy our lives together. I can't speak for Trump but what I can say is it is a clear signal to the world that people in the USA want change. I can't speak for my Government but once again, the majority voted for change. Stop calling us stupid, we are not stupid, but stupid people are calling us stupid.  

I would like to wish Mr D Trump every success with his appointment and lets all pray that this a another opportunity to cold water on any talks of war and that the whole world can learn to get along together and share our space on the planet in peace.


14th November 2016

Today is a bit of a weird one in as much as that the whole world is excited about the phenomena which is taking place right now in our skies, "The Super Moon". We have not been so lucky here in the UK as it's a little cloudy outside, although for about 10-15 minuets, there was a break in the cloud enabling me to see what is something quite weird. If we are to believe the experts, it will be over 50 years to the next one and I suspect I will miss it.

My weekend passed without drama and whilst I was invited out to my Daughters for Sunday lunch, I was pleasantly surprised at the wonderful detail and quality of the meal, to which I truly enjoyed. My daughter and her partner made a 1st class lamb hot pot to which was truly a delight.

I'm routing for someone very special this week who is feeling so alone while studying for the final event and exam on Friday to which I am fully confident they will pass which is their PHD exam and will grant them the privilege and status of Doctor from Friday and has made me so proud and honoured to be a part of. I have never witnessed someone go through so much hard and testing times and come through to be stronger and display such qualities that would put so many to shame.

There are many good things planned for the week ahead and in order not to bore or create a lack of interest, I have decided to keep this posting short so as to provide some better updates as the week goes by.

I want to thank you all for your support on the twitter account and facebook as well as the google + which seems to offer you all a smile at the jokes and pictures.


15th November 2016

Today (Tuesday) was a bit of a long haul as there was little to do and as such the day simply drags by. However, to flash through my day would at least be fair to share it with you.

It started out rather a mild day with broken cloud and occasional bright spells of sun light and as it was at least dry, a walk was the order of the day. I am as I have mentioned on many occasions rather a lucky person in that my local park is a very urban affair, surrounded by trees and wide open spaces with a small lake with fishing platforms on for anglers and cutting right through the park from one end to the other is a stream to which my daughter used to catch stickleback in some 18 years ago.

Oh how the years fly bye as she is now planning for her wedding day in the distant future. Im so proud that she has her own home and truley lovely partner and it's quite a rare thing today to see people so happy and despite the struggle of life, the one thing that is very noticable is that they are truly happy with each others company which to me, is really important.

My good friend will be wakening up in a few short hours and they have two more days of study before the big day that they worked so hard for and will result in a highly qualified position of responsibility to which they truly deserve.

I have been reading many news items today in regards to BREXIT to which some are frankly disgusting and should be treated with contempt. This country have a vote, it was a very simple vote of Yes - No. Yes to stay in Europe or No to Europe and leave. Im sick and tired of high profile politicians bleating on and suggesting we are stupid and conned. I am not stupid and was not conned. I know what "In or Out" means and I voted out as did the majority of this country, so why do those who do not respect democracy recognise what we the people voted for and realise it is they and not us who are stuipd and don't get it. We don't give a toss what the deal is or was, we want out.