Wednesday 2 November 2016

Yoga Nidra - Meditation

3rd November 2016

I would like to introduce to the people who suffer with relaxation and sleep problems a video to which a great friend of mine sent to me and I feel it was such a great gift that I feel duty bound to share it with all of you.

The video will not play with your mind or change your personality etc, it may not even be of any help at all, but what I would say is do not knock it until you try it and as it is totally free, I would ask you to simply relax and hopefully enjoy.

I would like to say a huge thank you to my dear friend "Alick" for sending me this. In a world full of stress and frustration, it is nice to simply clear the mish mash in our heads and calm down to a relaxing place where we enjoy a good nights sleep and rest.

7th November 2016

Its been quite a change of climate more than anything in the last few days, the first real taste of winter has arrived and it was frost on Bonfire night when the kids were all wrapped up and ready to absorb the moment that we all celebrate and remember the first official terrorist in the UK. Guy Fawkes was professed to have dug a tunnel under the parliament building, filled it with gunpowder and almost pulled off his plan to blow up parliament and all inside. I have never quite understood why we celebrate it as apposed to mark the occasion in other ways but perhaps it says a lot about the British mentality in so many ways.

I caught a glimpse of the weather for the rest of this week and the prediction appears to be quite gloomy with snow almost certain within the next few days. November is one of those quirky months in the UK when it can be either mild or cold and often sets a precedence for what's to come and whilst I have no idea how it's achieved, the long term predictors are suggesting it's going to be a very long harsh winter of which for the last few years, we appear to have escaped.

In order to keep the flow going on the life and times of Peter Hulbert, I am going to have to venture out a little bit in order to generate some more photography and visual affects for you all to see and view. The problem is it's so cold outside but if the snow comes, I promise I will take some pictures to show you all just how the scenery changes to white in large volumes when the snow arrives.

Referring back to Guy Fawkes night, it all passed over without incident from my end although I did see many reports about injuries and accidents which are always so frequent at this time of year. I'm so proud that my Daughter is not such a fan of the whole event and has at least got a good head of common sense in this area to which I hope she hands on the her kids if she has any.

Monday (today) brought me a shock by way of an old friend popping up on Twitter and responding with a bit of humour to which brought a smile to my face, he is someone I met through similar circumstance whom is a true friend and a blessing to know. I'm pleased that Vince is ok and doing well.

I will continue to keep the blog going and inform you as life progresses and keep the interest for you all flowing I hope. A big thank you for reading and spending some time laughing or crying at the life and times of Peter Hulbert as it unravels and happens.