Tuesday 22 November 2016

Peter Hulbert : A Week Of Reflection

Peter Hulbert : A Week Of Reflection: 19th November 2016  

24th November 2016

Its been a very event full week to say the best, in fact if ever there was a week where many things happened except the ones that you planned for, this was it. As many people know, most of my quality friends come from overseas and they are all irreplaceable for so many reasons but while each and every one has there own culture, character and charm, they all share morals that are without question and would shame people in my country who claim to be friends.

Well, I suppose you want at this point to know what did go right........or wrong depending upon your attitude. In truth, nothing went right this week and everything got delayed because of the things that went wrong. However, delays are part of life and so are the events that we never planned for. There is a wonderful motto as used by the English desert rats in WW11 which is "Expect the unexpected" although quite how you expect the unexpected is beyond me but I do take the sentiment and understand the message it offers.

My week started by a call from my dearest and most loyal friend from a country far far away whom had an accident and fractured there ankle and whilst it was not a full blown break, these things are so painful in so many ways and cause so much inconvenience to ones daily life, the knock on affect was to tumble down the line and cause myself much concern in so many ways. However, as is the nature of the beast, a one legged friend is a thousand times better than the two legged back stabbers I have in abundance here in my world and life and despite the pain, they found the strength to continue albeit in a slower form.

As the festive season has kicked in here in the UK, my week of post office parcels and deliveries has been many and the excitement of opening what almost always turns out to be something boring and less exciting as one expected gets me through the days and weeks sometimes. I am planning to visit my City next week to view the Christmas lights and atmosphere in all it's splendour and as usual, I suspect will end up in some bar with my daughter having a beer and burger.

I will thank you for your support in reading the daily life as boring as it is but hey ho, it's sometimes better to read about my life than worry about your own.

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