Friday 18 November 2016

Congratulations !!

18th November 2016

I want to dedicate this post to a very dear friend of mine from a place far away right now but to whom will be on our shores very soon.

This person to whom I have decided to protect there identity until they allow permission to use there name and details has climbed the biggest mountain ever over the last few years but in particular 2016 which has seen my friend battle every obstacle ever and overcome tragedy and adversity on a grand scale, only to keep picking themselves up on each and every occasion and carry on through to the finish line.

My friend had a dream of becoming a Doctor from a very early age and whilst it has yet to be confirmed, that day came today and the reward for such dedication is something I'm truly proud to share with everyone I know. My friend spent some 6 months in reviser school after studying for 4 years and over the last 6 months has had exam after exam and despite holding a job and long distance travel to and from to work & school, somehow found the strength to keep going and see it through. Amongst many prestigious positions of responsibility held along the way, the one memorable one to myself which I was so proud of was the President of the student Union.

When I reflect back over the last year especially, I remember so many down moments and so few up ones but it's not the struggle that I remember today but the moment of joy which came today and the reward for all that dedication will be success on a grad scale.

I want to show my gratitude to my friend for all the pain and suffering and dedicate a song for them to hopefully enjoy and see the meaning and intent of such a powerful tune:


My second dedication is in memory for my friends family whom I know was there in a spiritual way to watch over the whole process and send a message of hope from where they are today.