Thursday 22 December 2016

Is The World Going Into Freefall Madness.

22nd December 2016

"What the Hell is Going On" the world going crazy?. In one week I hear that a Rusian Ambasadore to Turkey as assasinated by a Turkish Security/Police officer, followed by a mass killing of the German shoppers in an open air market in Berlin. "What is all this insanity about". It's suppsed to be the season of goodwill to others which is not a specific religious festival or tradition, just a simple simble of hope to all to show a little kindness to others and for some reason this is a signal to certain types to take presidence to this and kill others..!!. All I can say for them at this stage is I hope they are forgiven one day and come to terms with what they have done.

I have a theory about bahaviour and responses to action etc and it is a none proven theory but I susspect that if put to a vote, the majority may well agree with me and that is that love is better that hate and peace is better than war but for some weird reason, Politicians have not worked out how to profiteer or gain power through peace, unly war and dictation for some reason. For those who are contemplating anger, frustration or response to power struggles, please tell me that the picture to the left would help to calm you down in some way and not make you more angry and to that end I will feel my theory is 100% proven and successful in your individual case. If you disagree, please leave your reasons below in the space provided.

If you did write in the space provided or silently disagree, perhaps you saw the truck in the background and not the lady.......

The UK is poised and awaiting a major storm to hit our shores, I say poised but in truth I could not give a toss as in reality there is nothing I can do about it, However, I suppose it is better to be prepared in the old fashioned way of fore armed is to be for-warned but in this case it is just strong wind, rain and snow and Im sure that Eskimo's would laugh is they say it and simply take it all in their stride. Here in my part of the world (Yorkshire) we generally take it in our stride as snow is expected for Santa to do his work and we love a good moan about something and the weather is always a great reason for conversation of some kind.
I heard a story break today that whilst it will turn stormy and cold for the next few days, it will be unusually warm on Christmas day.

I am still at a point in time where I have not decided exactly what I am going to be doing at Christmas but suffice to say it will be a bore and non exciting in so many ways. However, looking forward to the horrizon, the New Year has much more values atatched to it in my world and for me, it can't come around quick enough but whilst Im waiting, the Christmas festival does give me a good excuse to smile with a cold beer while watching the time go bye and prepare myself for a long time with no beer while focusing upon duties more pressing. It is common knowledge that I am in the process of a move and over the Northern border allows me some special changes in my life and as such I am focused upon whiskey and strange money with free prescriptions and sensible people for a few years. My final location yet to be confirmed but probably already decided for so many logical reasons.

 This week brought me an amusing moment of crazy where I passed a local house of preaching in West Yorkshire (Bradford) and noticed a pile of sandles and shoes, which in itself was a little strange to me but when I saw what was atatched to the bike stand, I found myseld even more amused and as such felt compeled to take a picture for my own amusement in which I now share with you all in the hope that you see the humour and not to critisise the insigator. In order to balance up the tone of this joke or humour, I have placed another picture below of an even more rediculous situation to which made me smile as the logic of such an idea of assuming this would prevent the vehicle being removed, stolen or otherwise is beyond even my wildest imagination, However, it did make me smile.

Please remember it is the season to be merry and have a wonderul Christmas and stay safe so we can all meet up back here in the start of another week of humor and sarcasm.