Monday 19 December 2016

6 Days To The Fat Man In The Red Coat

19th December 2016

The Global Madness to which goes under the banner of Christmas continues and I still ask myself the obvious question of "Why". Maybe it is me who is getting grumpy but I remember when we visited our families at Christmas and often just baked a cake or mince pies and took them round as a present but today it is a total commercial market of who can spend the most on others and then behind their back, discuss behind closed doors just how little they spent on you..!!

When I see the news at night of people round the world fleeing for their lives, I ask myself what they will get for Christmas and how much our world does not value money and posessions that are fundamental to life, when there are people dying for simpe needs like fresh water or a portion of food. The commercial world has so much to answer for and humanity is no longer a reality in the daily lives of others.

I was in my city centre today and as one might expect, the
 chaity collectors were out in force and with little enthusiasm
except to say that they were presumably offering there time for free "I hope". However, what I noticed in the crowds was just how many people stepped to one side to avoid the request for some money, or worse still was the embarassment of watching people lok deep into the darkest corner of their wallet or purse to find the smallest amount of currency they could find and even then it was on the basis that it would be more beneficial to them to get rid of, than actually feel generous about helping someone with a small token of kindness that may affect there Christmas in such a positive way and deep down I felt quite ashamed of what I saw.
The will of the world to help others is one that appears to have lost us all over the last 30-40 years and perhaps our values have changed to the point of insignificance and I for one would hope that it changes backwards in so many ways.
I do have a theory about much of this bad feeling and it is often self inflicted by charities and such like. I personally remember the Salvation Army using colelcted monies to trade on an investment program within the banking world that turned out to be a scam, the bad press that hit the headlines was that £25,000,000.00 was lost to a banking scam and this is just one of many countless charities that are at best "questionable" or dubious for so many reasons. I also anger at what is described as "Expences or Trustee Allowances" that are taken out of charities funds to see so called celebraties compensated for there modest contrabution toward the so called cause, they should be ashamed.

 The way I view Santa is through a cunical eye and sarcastic offering. I truly belive in the world being kind to others and for me, why not use that time as Christmas but when you see that the self inflicted death rate goes up (Suicide), Divorce rate goes through the roof and family feudes goes mad then I will always ask myself "What Good Will". I saw on the news our wonderful Prince Harry helping kids in Africa which was such a delight to watch and then when I see how many kids just want someone to play a game with them, spend some quality time teaching them etc, I ask why no one follows Harry in a local way and puts a smile on someones face for free. Maybe if you are reading this, you should just do one kind gesture for someone and spend a morning or afternoon helping someone for free and just see how good it makes you as well as them feel inside. To put it in retail terms it's "Buy One Get One Free". What could it hurt to show a little kindness to others this of all weeks ?.

For those who are with families this year, I hope you all have a truly wonderful time and for those who's families are away, overseas, working or otherwise not with you, please spare them a kind thought of good times and if possible, give them a call or something. It will make you feel better and also brighten up their day so much. For me, Im not 100% clear what Im doing this year but what I do know is what Im not doing and despite 18 years of so called closeness of freindship, have decided that Bullshit is bullshit no matter what trimmings it has on it and as I have always been regected at Christmas, bank holiday or any other event, I have turned my back forever in view of a more optimistic future and positive focus on my own life. Im very posstive about the new events in my world and expect that 2017 is going to be a bright start and a reality check to my life in the direction to which I am heading. If you want to know what they are, it's quite simple and on a need to know basis and as you do not need to know, you can simply leave yourself wondering why I never told you about the good things in my world and how the bad things are left so far down the road that I no longer care enough to share that information. If you do see Santa, please thank him for my present as it truly was a gift from God and something that a price cannot be placed upon it but suffice to say it is all I ever dreamed of and it is something that will last forever and has no possibility of "Refund" in any way.

Merry Christmas All From The Wonderful World Of Peter Hulbert and please go safe, if you are having a drink, please don't drive and lets see you all back here in good spirit in 2017. I will leave you all on a positive note with a local rendition of some mates of mine who are hoping to raise lots of money over Christmas with a great and funny song for charity, Good Luck Guys and God Bless.