Friday 9 December 2016

The Crazy Week Of December

9th December 2016

The wekk started out totally normal "although Im not sure what normal is these days" and whilst the weather was ok this week, people certainly are not. The madness of people who belive there own lies goes on and to those who know me, you will know what Im refereing to.

It was a good week is some respects as the Monday blues soon passed over, followed by the Tuesday cray catch up which meant a trip to the office in Holmfirth and a cup of tea in my favourit cafe "Sid's Cafe" most famous for the point used in the filming of the last of the summer wine series that frequented our TV's for so many years.

My Wednesday was a little mental at times too, I had a meeting to attend but as it was warmer here that it is in Greece, it was difficult to predict how to dress or more to the point how others may dress. The meeting went well and then it was a drive back over the hills as I promised to meet up with some friends at Meadowhall for drinks and lunch and what should have been 1-2 hours of chatting, ended up being 5 hours and a Taxi drive home due to the inability to see the car through the blurred vision produced by so much beer and whiskey.

Meadowhall has excelled this year with it's wonderful Christmas display to which they always create such a wonderful atmosphere in which to shop and it's such a family friendly place to be and I recommend it to you all.

My weekend is dedicated to my very best friend in the world who is not here with me right now but overseas and due back soon, and my daughter to whom is going out on Saturday to the o2 theatre to see a live act of the Everly pregnant brothers to whom are a huge act here and have to be seen live to appreciate the atmospher of such comedy.

My history and connection with business and based upon experience tells me that anything of commen sense with stop this week and right through the Christmas period and what will be will be and what won't be won't be. Real deals will happen and fantasy is always fantasy and as such we will start ober in 2017 with a fresh smile and a positive attitude of going forward.

 If you are intending on pissing someone off this week, beware as they may have CCTV and that probably says more about them than it will about you. Anyone with CCTV is automatically a susspicious person as they need more protection from the rest of us. I have a B_tch of a neighbour and her husband is a Tw_t to whom no one ever speaks to, they have been involved in Dog fighting, arguments, threats of abuse and the list goes on and this week it was my turn to piss them off. Ha ha haaaa........they can't touch me with a barge pole but what I can say is it was super funny watching them try. The big problem with them is he is a dirty minded pervert whom is very dissliked by all because he is an alcholic and she is a nasty peice of work who just loves trouble, I hasten to say one wrong word in my face and they will rest easily with a lengthy sleep and a peaceful few days nursing the sore point of contention.

Im looking forward to some news from York and Turkey over the coming few days and if that news comes, I shall be dancing in the street in January if not before.

Can I just offer a health warning to anyone who may be looking to purchase some mince pies from Iceland this year, check out the package and you may need to smell the content to satisfy yourself that it does not smell of fish. If we are to belive the packageing, the content of these pies is "Minge" and it's very much an aquired taste in anyone world. What I would say is a fresh one is much better than an old or out of date one. These were found on a shelf in an Iceland in Sheffield and whilst it might be a special offer or taste, I would prefer the traditional ones as I know where they have been and what they are made of, the last thing I would want to find in these would be a curly hair or even worse. I like a bit of Christmas spirit but somethings are taking it too far and Im not 100% sure they are approved by Santa or any of his Elf's but it could explain via a process of eliminination just how Rudolf got his red nose or why Santa always says "Ho Ho Ho". It does beg the question why Santa gets a mince pie in every house he visits and probably explains why he empties his sack so often and rumiges in so may stockings in such a short period of time. I suppose I would be the same if I had not had any "Ho Ho Ho" in 12 months too.