Tuesday 26 April 2016

Hillsborough Enquiry & Outcome.

26th April 2016

Today is a day of both joy and sadness as after 25 years, finally the truth has come out in regards to the events at Sheffield Wednesday Football Stadium which sadly was a tragic day for all who were affected, as was myself. It happened on 15th April 1989 and 96 people lost their lives at an event which should have been such a happy day for all. The irony to it all was the fact that throughout the 25 years, the families and victims have never gave up hope of justice being done for their loss and for all of that time, the authorities have lied and corrupted the system throughout, we all susspect that this was in order to cover up and protect the powers above.

Today was a great day for the families and friends who supported the fight to gain justice for the lives of those 96 people to whom the Police in South Yorkshire suggested were drunk, repubates and trouble and towhich we the public knew from day one was just an out right lie. The Police should be ashamed of their actions and we all pray that the ones who created the smoke and mirror elusion of memory loss, stress and any other excuse not to be held responsible will be held accountable for their part in the deceipt. My thoughts are with those brave families who never lost hope of getting the truth out in the open.

God bless all of these brave people who changed the course of history and stood fast until the truth was out. My feeling is that this will not be the last we hear of the corruption of the Police in South Yorkshire or even the rest of the UK Police force to which people today have no faith or trust of the establishment in any way.

I wish to pay tribute to a member of my own family to whom passed away on the 16th April 1989 in Sheffield and was badly affected by the events at Hillsborough as a direct consequence to the disaster. My family member passed away and due to all of the morgues and hospital beds being taken up, we were left wit a body in a house with now where to send them. RIP EH.

When the news broke about the Hillsborough tragedy and the decission by the Jury to find the 96 deaths as "Unlawfully Killed", I was on the front line with the troups supporting out Junior Doctors at my local hospital. The day was very cold and as confirmed by my Facebook account and videos, it was actually snowing for nos of the day and the northerly winds were bitterly cold, but Im pleased to say that we ass stood together and fully united. The public support the Doctors at this stage but it is fair to say that the UK does need a 7 day a week service and the public voted for this in it's election and support of the Conservative manafesto. Perhaps it's time to invest more money into more staff than exploiting the limited resources and staff we presently have. The troups are back in the trenches today and I wish them well.

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