Sunday 10 April 2016

The Style Council - Shout To The Top

Its another week and as we start out our journey on a bright monday moring of the 11th April 2016, my weekend of music and fun has gone and I have to pay tribute to Leicester football club for what is probably the last but one mileston in the 2016 journey of pure belief, followed closely behind by my very local golfer who took the green jack in the masters over the weekend and is from my adopted city of Sheffield. Danny Willet took the world by storm and showed that Yorkshire is truly the home of feet on the ground and why it's known as Gods own county. Check out the story of Danny Willet here

I  have a busy week ahead of me me as my goos friend and associate in Turkey is about to appear with some goodies for the warehouse in Holmefirth and we are presently making space for many articles to fill the place.

Turning back to sport for a moment, I would like to draw to your attention the amateur football supporter who frequents our hall of shame so often, known as the Wealdstone Raider he is a nasty piece of work with little to offer but a big mouth but a true bight of missery to all he meets. I would suggest that this type of vermin should be removed from all arena's and venue and punished by the system in some morral way for his pathetic action and abuse on others. Check him out here

Wednesday 13th April 2016

Its been quite a slow slow, quick quick slow type of week so far, with Polictics being the main focus in the media and much gossip and contraversy surrounding the age old topic of offshore accounts and tax. I will remain neutral on this one as this is a subject for the rich and not so much the poor. I notice that the USA program of confusion and election that is forced upon us so much by the media has gone a little quiet since Mr Trump made such an error of judgement and hurled insults toward women and with that in mind, I will offer my little tribute to the USA Presidential Election with a few pictures collected this week from loyal friends and followers.

Our old favourit is always Mrs Palin who almost enjoys courting the contraversy and as such I feel she may be quite pleased at the picture below.

Im assuming this is a picture created via photoshop editing but in some ways I would like to think in my heart that it was real, but sadly that is just one dream too many.

I was gifted with a picture that made me smile when I saw it that made me realise how fortunate we are in the western world that we do have rules and regulations in regards to work conditions etc. I can't say Im a big fan of rules and prefer that common sense prevail first but the problem with common sense is that it is not that common today. However, I susspect the guy below would have supported some kind of intervention in regards to transportation, weight and load carrying.

I do want toremind you all that it is this month when we experience a strange image of the moon when for about 90 mins it will actually appear green and is worth taking a few moments to experience. I don't wish to give you the date as I may have the wrong day myself but for safety sake, I would suggest you look it up on the internet to enjoy this weird moment of light trickery.

It's Friday and I don't know where this week has gone, it's simply flown by and I have little to show for the week except I'm weirdly tired and have nothing positive to show for the effort, I have collected some pictures from a dear friend of mine who is presently in Vietnam enjoying the lifestyle and bar knowing him. Im sure he has parked his buttocks on a beach on a few occasions too.

 Here is a sign found in the local market where my dear friend was shopping and I found it amusing. Below is an eating establishment of which may r may not be your choice of food provider, depending upon personal taste and preference I suppose. My feeling is that the Fish Curry is to be avoided.


It always makes me smile how the Asian local tries to accomodate into their signs and litrature some English words to try and attract the attention of the Western tourist but miss the target by a mile due to the obvious lack of attention to the detail, belowis a few examples of which once again my friend has taken whilst he was on tour this week from Vietnam.

The most amusing sign that I saw from my friends collection was the one that I left untill the last and whilst I would have thought it obvious, perhaps it may not be that obvious to all.

15th April 2016.

To all who live in either Sheffield or Liverpool, today is a very significant day as it was 25 years ago to this day that the tragic incodent took place at the Sheffield Wednesday Stadium which resulted in the loss of 95 lives at an event to which should have been full of joy. I remember this day as if it were yesterday and I remember seeing a sea of Nottingham Forrest supporters and in the distance a sea of Liverpool FC supporters, the whole of Sheffield turned red with loyal and dedicated football fans. For me, my memories were to become worse still on the 16th as it was the day I lost a member of my family and it was made worse by being told there was no where totake them as the cities morgues were overflowing because of the tragic events of the day before. RIP EH.

I heard today of the sad news of a series of 6.6 & 7.5 magnitude earthquakes to hit Japan. Our thoughts and prayers are with the people of Japan right now and we hope that you are all ok and well.
My weekend will be mostly early morning or late nights this weekend as my time is ocupied by watching the F1 Motor Racing from China.