Sunday 30 October 2016

Happy Halloween 2016

30th October 2016

I would just like to wish all of my friends and followers a Very Happy Halloween and please stay safe and enjoy the fund and parties.

Despite what people may think, I did not model for the picture below but I might know who did ?
I may share that persons name one day but for now my lip's remain tightly closed....!!

I understand the quote below could be argued in court or questioned in a debate, I may even loose but who gives a toss, I sure don't....!!


1st November 2016

Well the big Halloween came and past without too many issues, I saw my first ever killer clown disguised as a 12 year old kid with a red nose and bright yellow hair. He didn't look like a killer but if the press were to be believed, he is probably a mass murdered and responsible for terrorising half the world. Me, I prefer to see him as a crazy kid dressed up for a bit of fun.

There seemed to be many kids out this year with pumpkins and one wonders why schools don't embrace the opportunity to show the kids how to cook a pumpkin and make a soup, a vegetarian lunch and a pumpkin pie out of the contents to encourage the kids to eat healthy, be creative and embrace the whole experience from a more positive way. One might say "Buy one, get 3 more free".

I have been having some issues with my computer this week and after reading on the internet, I'm not the only one. It appears that when up-grading to windows 10, some of us have lost the sound on our computers, fortunately I have another to fall back on until the problem is resolved.

My best friend is away for a few days this week and due back on the 4th and to say It has been quiet would be an understatement, however, the rest of my week has been very normal in so many ways. I'm heading out in the morning on business and my meeting on Monday was very positive and had many good things come from the meeting.

We have a very big event arriving in the next few days here in the UK. The 5th November is the time we remember Guy Fawkes who in truth was a terrorist and tried his very best to blow up our parliament, some might suggest it should be done again but not I. Its really a commercial event to sell fireworks and burn rubbish on bonfires, many of our parks and recreation areas have fun fairs and events happening, it's kind of weird to celebrate what was an attempted mass murder event but I suppose we are British and it only makes sense to us.

Autumn is in full swing now and whilst Monday the 31st was truly a very warm day, it's predicted to turn very cold from the 2nd onwards and that would suggest that my wearing of shorts every day may well be ending for a while.

I hope you enjoyed my swipe at humour above with the pictures and comments, they were selected to coincide with Halloween and despite people asking, it truly is not my butt as the pumpkin although I do know who's butt it is and I did have a hand in the creation. (It was my idea)

I would like to thank you all for supporting my Twitter feeds, it's truly appreciated and you are still welcome to follow my Facebook account if you wish and as always, your support is truly appreciated.

I hope you enjoyed a moment in the world of Peter Hulbert through my blog site and I will endeavour to keep it updated on a regular basis to keep the interest flowing.


2nd November 2016

Today was a super day !. Have you ever had one of those truly lazy days when you wake up late, have a shower late and simply enjoy th elongest cuppa in the morning in total peace and quiet. "That was me today". I had the laziest day ever as I had no reason to go over the hills to Huddersfield and as I was running late and no cimmitments today, I simply thought sod it....!!

It was quite a shock when I got up this morning though as someone had painetd white frost everywhere outside, so the buzz word was a nice hot cup of tea would solve any problems I had to deal with today.

Im stil trying hard to hold my end up with the commitment that I made to write and update my blog on a daily basis and whilst it easy to say I will do a thing, in reality there is somedays when there is little if nothin to say, that said, sometimes that is more interesting that an actual event to report on as we reflet our thoughts of doing nothing and it's sometimes more interesting to hear that someone else has nothing to do instead of admitting that ourselves have nothing to do. My point in question might be the watchers of "Big Brother" who spend all day sitting around doing nothing except watching someone else sitting around all day doing nothing. Its a weird sentement but true none the less.

I will confirm that throughout my day I was tuned into my headphones and absorbing the moment with a great musical genius to which I hope you will also gain some pleasure from as I did:

Life has always had it's up's and downs but when Van Morrison appears, the down period stop's and the up time re-appears like and Angel in the skies....!!

Thursday 27 October 2016

Wortly Hall On A Foggy Day In Autumn 2016


This is quite a wonderful spectacle to see, whist the road itself is quite a boring one to photograph, the way the beech trees grow across and create this wonderful natural arch and conopy over the road is a dream to photograph. The bonus to this road is because it is not so popular for motorists to use, it allows for good pictures without the frustration of traffic.

This is quite

This shows a slightly different view of the road and trees and some of the overhanging vegetation looks quite creepy at night.

These are the slightly foggy and misty grounds of Wortley Hall. Its a local spot for weddings and a venue for events etc.

I have little if no knowledge of fungi but what I have learned in life is that nature almost always uses red as a signal for danger and as such I prefer to take pictures and not handle these little fungus or toadstools to which the Elves have probably cast a spell upon.

Below is a fungus that I only know as a "Stink Horn" although I susspect there is a more accurate name probably in Latin but I grew up calling them stink horne which was a name we were taught at school for this fungi.