Sunday 10 May 2015

Peter Hulbert 11


Don't you just love it when some overweight tub of human flesh dives into the pool wearing something you wouldn't wrap a chicken in to keep it warm in the oven, when "Splash" a huge tidal wave emerges from the bottom end of the pool and "Green peace" are called to rescue what is though to be a whale washed up on a sun lounger.
I remember being at this pool side some years ago, there was myself "Peter Hulbert" and some of my family members, to which whilst I didn't actually film this guy or others like him, I did catch a glimpse of others very similar looking and wearing equally embarrassing beach wear. Peter Hulbert has spent much of his adult life traveling the world and in every corner of it, you will always find the blob family of some sort, often embarrassingly they are from the UK. How sad.

The next generation of fatties may be a larger burden to the next generation than this lot as we will have inherited their habits and eating culture in a huge way. If we have learned nothing else in the zillion years that humans have walked on planet earth, the one thing we should have learned is to eat sensibly, exercise regularly and burn off more calories than we intake and then we will all suffer less strokes, less heart decease and live a much healthier lifestyle in which to share with our loved ones.

Peter Hulbert may be a man of few words but when he open his mouth he is normally associated with saying something sensible or valuable, check out some of Peter Hulbert web sites and facebook followers to see how well supported Peter Hulbert is for his words and comments. Peter Hulbert also has a twitter site to which runs a daily program of funnies and comments to which has gained quite a following too, feel free to join in the fun somewhere along the social network world.

Watch out for the tidal wave ahead and please warn the kids and elderly folk that the water level is about to rise and fall enough to rock and roll a small ship.

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