Friday 15 May 2015

Peter Hulbert 29.05.2015

An insight into the complicated world of "Peter Hulbert".

It all started back in 1959 when wine was cheap, cloths were not a fashion statement and the 2nd world war was still a scar on some peoples minds. "National service" was all around and polishing your step and whitening your door was something that folk did with pride. Here is a picture of a very young #Peter Hulbert at the right old age of 6 months.
Peter was such an ugly baby that his Mother had shutters put on the front of his pram and his mouth was so big that his soother or dummy had a 9" flange. However, he made up for it in later life by becoming what we all know today to be the guy who always leaves you with a smile.

#Peter Hulbert was borne in Shipley nr both Leeds & Bradford and until the age of 3 grew up in a back to back house in Barret St until his move to Menston. At the age of 5 Peter was sent to live with his Grandparents in Sheffield and was to be separated from his family for 12 months but was to return back to the area of West Yorkshire to a town known as Yeadon where he matured and grew up until the age of 12 when his family moved to Sheffield. Peter's memories were of his long lost friends to whom he left behind in Yeadon at the age of 12. Perhaps you may recognise some of these people or you may turn out to be one of them, would love to hear from you if you are in this picture.
As #Peter Hulbert waved goodbye to his old life, he embraced his new life with a positive look forward and a fresh start. Peter was enrolled in Hinde House School in Sheffield in 1927 and left officially in 1976 although throughout the period (especially the last year) Peter rarely if ever attended. If you are one of Peter's old school friends, it would be nice to leave a few short words of your memory of Peter. If you wish to keep up with the jokes and antics of his life on a more regular basis, I suggest the modern way is through the following methods.

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Friday 29th May 2015
Today was a trip down memory lane for the day as I went back to my ancestral background and when to visit the areas and locations to where I was born and grew up. I say grew up but in many ways I was quite young when I left Yeadon and took the giant step forward and moved to Sheffield. However, it was a step and whether one may call it a step up of a step back is one for the personal opinions but in truth it was to affect the rest of my life on one way or another & one might argue for better or worse. However, 15th June 1959 in Shipley is where Peter Hulbert started his life and was to be living here at Barrat Street until the family moved to Menston which was a fine house in the country of which was sandwiched between two farms. Peter Hulbert always has one feature memory of living here which was playing by the Leeds to Liverpool canal which was Peter Hulbert’s happy memory and his less positive memory was being rushed to hospital after swallowing pods from the laburnum tree to which thankfully turned out to be little more than a scare than a major concern. Whilst going to Shipley I took a few pictures to which I took at the world famous Saltair Mills:

8th June 2015.

I had rather a good weekend the last few days, I called my dear friend Alick in Australia who is always a breath of fresh air and cheered me us as always, later in the day I met up with an old friend from Lincolnshire to whom I haven't seen since February and it was truly good to catch up with. In the afternoon I met up with my Daughter and we went for a carvery lunch, it was truly appreciated by both of us as we were both hungry.

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