Friday 15 May 2015

Peter Hulbert 29.05.2015

An insight into the complicated world of "Peter Hulbert".

It all started back in 1959 when wine was cheap, cloths were not a fashion statement and the 2nd world war was still a scar on some peoples minds. "National service" was all around and polishing your step and whitening your door was something that folk did with pride. Here is a picture of a very young #Peter Hulbert at the right old age of 6 months.
Peter was such an ugly baby that his Mother had shutters put on the front of his pram and his mouth was so big that his soother or dummy had a 9" flange. However, he made up for it in later life by becoming what we all know today to be the guy who always leaves you with a smile.

#Peter Hulbert was borne in Shipley nr both Leeds & Bradford and until the age of 3 grew up in a back to back house in Barret St until his move to Menston. At the age of 5 Peter was sent to live with his Grandparents in Sheffield and was to be separated from his family for 12 months but was to return back to the area of West Yorkshire to a town known as Yeadon where he matured and grew up until the age of 12 when his family moved to Sheffield. Peter's memories were of his long lost friends to whom he left behind in Yeadon at the age of 12. Perhaps you may recognise some of these people or you may turn out to be one of them, would love to hear from you if you are in this picture.
As #Peter Hulbert waved goodbye to his old life, he embraced his new life with a positive look forward and a fresh start. Peter was enrolled in Hinde House School in Sheffield in 1927 and left officially in 1976 although throughout the period (especially the last year) Peter rarely if ever attended. If you are one of Peter's old school friends, it would be nice to leave a few short words of your memory of Peter. If you wish to keep up with the jokes and antics of his life on a more regular basis, I suggest the modern way is through the following methods.

Facebook             Twitter

Peter Hulbert 2

Update from first post

#Peter Hulbert takes a huge step forward and moves to Sheffield at the age of 12. This had an obvious affect on a childhood time of leaving all behind and starting over in an alien world. It may have been only about 50 miles away but with no such thing as internet and no such thing as #Facebook, it might just have been a million miles away.
Peter joined a routine at #Hinde house school in #Sheffield and soon gained respect and acceptance from a whole variety of friends from every different corner of teenage life. "It's also fair to say that Peter never really settled into this school although did make the best of the time until he decided enough was enough.

After leaving school with nothing to remember but his memories, he embarked on a career in the construction industry to which started on a Monday and by Thursday the industry ground to a halt due to a 14 strike. "Less said the better as Politics will only ever go to offend some and annoy others". Suffice to say we had a Labour Party in Power and striking is what everyone did in those times.
So, in order to make something of life, Peter moved away and took the plunge in the City above. The rest in many ways is history as the gaps will be filled in by others in some way.

Here is a reminder of how ugly "Peter Hulbert" looked at school for those with a sick sense of humor.

#Peter Hulbert

Would you buy a second hand car from this guy ?.

Wednesday 13 May 2015

Peter Hulbert 3


Hi everyone,

The sun is up and I don't wish to waste it sat here writing and as such I thought I would point you toward our Twitter site where you will find some new stuff and some old but all designed to provide your day with a little fun and light hearten laughter.

Hop you enjoy.


It's the 8th June today and for some reason very little worthwhile has happened since I last wrote some blurb on my blog. However, I thought I would at least post something to remind you all that Im not dead...................Yet !!.

I will be updating my Google + account with some pictures and comments later so I suggest if you enjoy a trip round Yorkshire as seen through the eyes of Peter Hulbert, I would urge you to check out the Peter Hulbert Google + site.

Over tha last few days, I have been celebrating my birthday to which I went to Matlock Bath which is a small spa town close to me and I went there with my daughter to enjoy the local sights to which the Victorians kindly build arrount the town in which to share with all the visitors who go to Matlock. In the course of the day, we visited the Cavern at the top of The Hight's of Abraham to which we scaled the hillside via the cablecar wich takes about 7-8 mins to reach the top and takes the strain out of what must be 30-40 mins hard work walking up such a hill to absorbe the wonderfull views that captivate your thought process with such spelnder.

Peter Hulbert 4

8th June 2015.

I often receive photographs and blurb all addressed to myself Peter Hulbert to which I almost always discard. However, in this instance the pictures were so good that I just felt it appropriate to share the quality of such art with you all and explain that whilst these pictures have no Peter Hulbert copyright attached etc due to the owner being someone else. They were of such a high standard and told a story within the story that I felt you would all enjoy the moment as I did.

In order to view the wonderful pictures, just click the link below and please enjoy the total quality of images to which I can only ever imagine must have took the patience of somone far better than I to be able to capture such quality on a camera.


Copyright Peter Hulbert 2015

Peter Hulbert 5

7th June 2015

Occasionally I see a picture of something to which my brain engages quicker than my brain cells can react and I just have to say what comes into my mind. In this instance what came into Peter Hulbert and his brain was "Wide Eyed & Legless" which was a song from the time when music was always done live.

I can't help thinking if this girl actually was aware of what the sign said before she was placed upon it to take what can only be said as an appropriate pose.

Click the link below and you will see the picture to which I mention. It's not really offensive, more a case of just plain naive or funny. I have my own views of the picture and if I were to be honest, I would say it's staged but hey ho, I have been wrong before and no doubt will be wrong in the future.

suggestive lol


Monday 11 May 2015

Peter Hulbert 6

7th June 2015

I have been asked if I run a google + site or Facebook to which anyone can follow, below is a link to the Peter Hulbert facebook site to which you are all welcome to visit and if so, follow. Thank you for all your support.

Want to keep enjoying the fun with Peter Hulbert, feel free to follow his Facebook and have the occasional laugh or joke sent your way.


Peter Hulbert 7

Below is a very funny clip of a series of people being per-sued by a variety of animals. Perhaps one should not laugh but sometimes people are far more stupid than the animal to which is doing the chasing. I would at this point like to offer a word of wisdom from Peter Hulbert to which is that you should never put yourself in a position of danger or vulnerability with any animals no matter what type and by and large the rule is that if you leave them alone, they will leave you alone and there fore, observe, enjoy but do not annoy and never enter into an area of vulnerability for whatever reason. If in doubt........."DONT".

Enjoy the mistake of being a fool below.


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Peter Hulbert 9

This is a short video to show how calm and peaceful it can be within 5 miles of my own back yard. This is a reservoir overflow at Dam Flask near Sheffield and was captured by Peter Hulbert whilst driving to Manchester one early morning. You will see "as did Peter Hulbert" just how quiet it was that day with nothing more than the gentle trickle of water flowing over the top of the overflow and running down the waterfall steps back into the river in order to carry on it's journey toward the mighty river don.

Enjoy a little peace and calm from the friendliest place on planet earth, known as God's Own County "Yorkshire" as presented byPeter Hulbert.

Peter Hulbert 10

It was a stunning summers day today and I just could not resist enjoying some time out of Firkem Hall and visiting some of the areas near to me to take some photo's to which I hope you may enjoy.
These were all taken within 10 miles of where I live at a place known locally as Dam Flask near Bradfield on the edge of Sheffield. I often spend time here enjoying the sounds of nature and water rippling on the shore of the lake.

I hope you enjoy and please feel free to make any comments directly to Peter Hulbert.

Here is a shot over the hills towards Derbyshire from the Yorkshire side of the border. It clearly shows the differing landscape from agriculture land in the lower section to the natural moorland and heather covered landscape of the upper section of the land to which has never been cultivated from day one, just left to allow nature do it's thing and allow the sheep to go roaming on. 

The picture below was taken by Peter Hulbert with neither filter or any special affects of any kind but what it does show is the reflection of the blues sky reflecting back up which gives you a good indication of just how bright the sky was on this day.

It's the start of spring and the most abundant plant to be found in the forests in England are almost always Bluebells. Peter Hulbert always enjoys the colours of spring as they emphasis nature at it's colourful best.

Wanted, dead or alive by all accounts. In truth, this was a carefully placed sign presumably placed by someone local to warn of frogs often caught crossing the road and heading for the lake to find a mate. I took this simply to show that a small act of kindness can go a long way. Peter Hulbert saw this as he drove toward Bradfield and just captured the moment to share with you all.


Sunday 10 May 2015

Peter Hulbert 11


Don't you just love it when some overweight tub of human flesh dives into the pool wearing something you wouldn't wrap a chicken in to keep it warm in the oven, when "Splash" a huge tidal wave emerges from the bottom end of the pool and "Green peace" are called to rescue what is though to be a whale washed up on a sun lounger.
I remember being at this pool side some years ago, there was myself "Peter Hulbert" and some of my family members, to which whilst I didn't actually film this guy or others like him, I did catch a glimpse of others very similar looking and wearing equally embarrassing beach wear. Peter Hulbert has spent much of his adult life traveling the world and in every corner of it, you will always find the blob family of some sort, often embarrassingly they are from the UK. How sad.

The next generation of fatties may be a larger burden to the next generation than this lot as we will have inherited their habits and eating culture in a huge way. If we have learned nothing else in the zillion years that humans have walked on planet earth, the one thing we should have learned is to eat sensibly, exercise regularly and burn off more calories than we intake and then we will all suffer less strokes, less heart decease and live a much healthier lifestyle in which to share with our loved ones.

Peter Hulbert may be a man of few words but when he open his mouth he is normally associated with saying something sensible or valuable, check out some of Peter Hulbert web sites and facebook followers to see how well supported Peter Hulbert is for his words and comments. Peter Hulbert also has a twitter site to which runs a daily program of funnies and comments to which has gained quite a following too, feel free to join in the fun somewhere along the social network world.

Watch out for the tidal wave ahead and please warn the kids and elderly folk that the water level is about to rise and fall enough to rock and roll a small ship.

Peter Hulbert 12

Here was something that caught Peter Hulbert and his attention on Youtube. It is a series of videos of strange events and sightings etc, some of which are simply out of this world for the extraordinary factor. Every now and then something quite extraordinary happens in the world that kind of defy s science and leaves us all speechless, click the video below and I am sure that you will be astonished just the way that I was and may even leave you smiling. I simply hope you enjoy and perhaps this may entice you to follow Peter Hulbert through his Facebook site of maybe even his google + page.

Peter Hulbert 13

This is quite an alarming series of Video's to which were sent to Peter Hulbert via a close friend, it highlights the fact that what lives in the sea or waters does not expect to be sharing it with land traveling animals such as ourselves. Whilst this may make you more aware of the waters around you, Peter Hulbert is always clear that nature is simply what it says. Nature and if we get bitten or attacked, stung or otherwise, it is normally due to something we did wrong as nature sees us as a threat or as food but for no other reason would anything in nature attack as it would much rather simply turn away than waste so much energy just biting us, after all, we may bite back.

Enjoy the video that acts as a warning to beware and treat nature with respect.

Peter Hulbert 14

Formula 1 2012 - Crashes [HD]

Peter Hulbert 15

It's Sunday the 10th May 2015 and the sun is at it's best today. Peter Hulbert is sat with his TV watching the BTCC.

Peter Hulbert woke up this morning after a lengthy sleep and eventually after a super cup of tea got ready and faced up to the world.
It's a good day for Peter Hulbert today as Im well known for being a Motor sport nut and we have both the BTTC (British Touring Car) racing on for some of the day and later on we have the Spanish Formula One race to which sorts my day out nicely.
As Peter Hulbert and his day is normally dictated by others and what they are doing or not doing, Peter Hulbert is generally left high and dry with little more that last minuet thoughts by others as to where I fit in with their schedule, that is until recently. Peter Hulbert had a very dramatic change to my lifestyle some time ago to which opened my eyes to who does and whom does not give any thought as to where Peter Hulbert lie on there list of importance, and I have to say that despite the hurt, I soon woke up and realised that last place or last but one in case something else came around was about as close as Peter Hulbert meant to some. That said, looking on the positive side, it means Peter Hulbert can get on with his life, his plans and Peter Hulbert's own actions without the worry of having to tow along with the emotional drain of others who don't offer the same consideration for Peter Hulbert.

Peter Hulbert spent some of the day talking with a great friend of his in Germany who is a great example of how to live life to the full and never being held back but always finding a way forward. God bless you Mr S, you are a true pioneer.

For the week ahead, it looks quite a busy one in many ways. Peter Hulbert is to meet with visitors from York sometime this week and must travel to Derbyshire to catch up with a good friend for a coffee and chat, Thursday Peter Hulbert has to visit the Doctors insulting room for some abuse........ er advice.

Looking toward the middle part of the week, Peter Hulbert is hopeful that he will see and spend some time with my beloved daughter "Beth Von Teela" as you all know her from her Facebook page. It will be nice to catch up with some madness that is not my own for a change.

Last night Peter Hulbert stopped in and watched Britain's got talent and was wowed by a Russian on a trampoline, a girl singer with lots of talent and some artistic impressionist dancers who performed an luminescent routine with all the lights out and conducted a truly special performance that Peter Hulbert would describe as being closer to perfection and bordering on pure artistic.

Peter Hulbert is heading out now so Sunday is over for blogging and I wish you all well as normal.


Saturday 9 May 2015

Peter Hulbert 17

Firstly, Peter Hulbert would offer a warning to anyone whom may be easily offended and would suggest that before you click the video, it may be prudent not to and simply go to another blog page. However, Peter Hulbert is well known for his almost crazy sense of humor and whilst it's not what he normally finds funny, Peter Hulbert did raise a smile on this occasion to something to which at best was humorous although falls short of being described as hilarious, anyway, you judge and if you find it funny, please leave a comment at the bottom.

Peter Hulbert 18

Don't we all just love a drunk in some form or another. Well here is a compilation of videos showing drunks as caught by the public on their phones, video cameras or just about anything but the sentiment is that drink is not good for you but often great for others to enjoy a good laugh at your expense. Peter Hulbert was sent these videos to display on the Peter Hulbert blog site and takes no responsibility for the showing or viewing of said video footage but does hope that it is enjoyed and hopes that from the wisdom gained by watching such video, we all learn a valuable lesson of life.

Peter Hulbert 19

For all of you who shave, here is a lesson of where not to shave (if you know what I mean). Peter Hulbert was sent this video that offers both advice and in my mind "pain" of where not to shave no matter what. In truth, there are many folk who do shave these areas for both medical reasons as well as personal pleasure. I "Peter Hulbert" would offer one suggestion and that is don't.

Please feel free to leave a comment on your views over shaving or not at the bottom of the Peter Hulbert blog site.