Tuesday 22 March 2016

Belgium 22.03.2015

My Summary of the Day.

Today was a very normal day for so many people around the world and inparticular, the people of Brussels Belgium, that was until the devestation and carnage took place in what can only be described as madness. My understanding is that three explosions took place today in the mids of rush hour, two in the airport and one on the undeerground train system, all I susspect were designed to create maximum damage and impact. The last I heard, 31 inocent people died with many more injured and my thoughts and my prayers were with them and their families.

I don't truly understand what all of this madness is about, except to say that I no longer believe a word that the propergander mongers from both sides want me to believe but what I can say is "why". I have never understood why the West have sought to tell the Middle East how to behave when it has not got it's own house in order by a long way. On the other hand, I don't understand how the Middle East show such disreguard for human life and as such I see wrong on both sides with no right on either.

The One common aspect that we will all need to accept at some point is that despite our culutres, or religion, or traditions our lifestyle, we all share a space on planet earth and instead of fighting and killing each other, it's time we learned to accept each others values and differences and showed respect to the fact that we are all not the same and culture and traditions are personal and should be understood through education and not dictation.

I have been to Belgium many times and seen peeopl who are just like me. They work hard, they struggle to manage their lives and they and honest, respectful people. God knows why they have been singled out to suffer such pain but what I do know is I have no understanding of their pain and suffering today. God Bless You All.

24th March 2016

I have been a little quiet this week and in the main that was in respect of the Belgium situation, it is always good to smile and laugh but there is also a time and a place and this week was neither the right time or the right place to make any kind of humourous comment. I do want to end this page and week by saying that whilst the problem was a direct attack on Belgium, in many ways we all became European this week and united in the grief that was created in belgium and like a wave at sea, quickly gained momentum across the whole of the civilised world. Our thoughts and prayers are with everyone in Belgium this week and in particular, the families of the victims.

26th March 2016 

I end the week as I started the week on quite a sombre note. It was the news of the sad loss of a great footballing hero of mine and a legend to the sport, Mr Johan Cruyff to whom the sport owes so much to such a talented and respected person. I feel that Holland have lost a true hero to so many. I grew up watching the world cup in the 70s and Johan was the outstanding talent of all time to me, here was a player from Europe who showed the world that the best does not always come from Brasil. I do not wish to speak of such a legen as though I am any expert, quite  the opposite but I can say I was a true admirere or such a talent and modest person who brought such pleasure and enjoyment to so many and as such I would prefer that I leave it to someone else to make there tribute to the great person Johan Cruyff.

27th March 2016

I can't end the week without a mention of some of the event's that took place over the weekend, with our very own Kell Brook winning his boxing match at the Sheffield Arean in front of his home crowd agains a Canadian challenger with a good past record, Im given to understand that this is the first time ever that the Candian has ever been stopped before. My final congratulations is to the England football team he stood tall after going 2-0 down and finding some true quality to overturn the two goals and win by 3-2. I truly saw some never say die attitude in the English team last night and it brought some real pride to myself. Lets hope the game against Holland is as entertaining too this week.

For those who enjoy all of the social media things, you are welcome to keep updated with my personal site at www.peterhulbert.club with you may wish to follow.

1st April 2016
It was that crazy day in the year when everyone.........and I do mean everyone appears to want to play a trick or joke on someone. I noticed the news papers were joining in, the TV companies were playing pranks and even the radio stations were making stories up to make an April fools prank on us all. It's a great tradition and as laughter is the best medcine and to the best of my knowledge is still free, I still support it in every way.
I want to add my name to the long list of people who paid tribute to a comic genius who very sadly passed away this week and is the one and only Ronnie Corbett. A true genius of punch lines and situation comedy, but could deliver a line better than just about anyone. Ronnie was known i the show business world as a genius of unique comedy but outside of the stage and theatre, he was also blessed and known for his kind and friendly ways, a true gentleman and a sad loss, out thoughts are with his family and friends today.
Today was the first & second free practive sessions in Bahrain and the dominant Mercedes were showing a clean set of heels, the surprise package for me was Jenson Button who set the 3rd quickest time of the day, it will be interesting if he can maintain that in the 3rd practice session and more importantly, qualifying session. Vettel dropped out with what appeared to be a drive shaft problem, I expect Ferrari to be placed high up the grid tomorrow although not sat on pole. I also predict that Renault will perform well as Bahrain is not a power circuit, I would say for the optimistic amongst you all, keep an eye on Verstappen from the Netherlands as he's hungry to make a name and impress.