Friday 31 July 2015

Cecil The Lion By Peter Hulbert


This week has been quite a sufficient week as far as cruelty to wildlife is conscerned and perhaps we have passed a point of no return and a place beyond the milestone to which I for one support. I am of course refering to the mindless slaughter of Cecil the Lion who's life ended by the actions of a Dentist from the USA and in such a painfull and cruel way. The Lion (Cecil) was lured out of safety and protection of a reserve by trackers and for the cost of $60,000 was shot with a bow and arrow of which did not kill Cecil but simply left him in agony for over 40 hours until he finaly could stand the pain no longer when his system gave up the battle to live and his body simply collapsed and Cecil eventually died.

Cecil was not just a wild and free animal but was part of a research project by Oxbridge University to which were to observe his life and use this to manage other lions of which are presently in decline in Africa and for the sake of whatever turns this dentist on, Cecils life ended as a painful exercise in what is the most in-humane way to kill anything and ruin an experiment of which had been going on for so many years by students and lecturers at a UK University.

Here is a short Video showing Cecil the Lion some time ago:

I'm sure I speak for many that the repercussion of the action of this cruel and soul less human is left to fate but if the stories from the press are to be believed, we are told that he has gone into hiding and it is he that has now become the pray and hunted but not by guns but by the media and press. I have little sympathy and his long term fate appears to be not too good.

I have always had a soft spot for animals and in particular, wild animals to whos survival and future depends upon Man allowing nature to do it's thing and be left alone to continue doing whatever it is that wildlife does to keep it's speciese from becoming extinct. This killer has not just selfishly taken a life for his own plessure but the knock on affect is that there is a very real prospect that many other lion cubs will pay the price as a struggle for supremecy within the pride will now take place.

I Peter Hulbert would ask that this so called hobby or sport ends with the memory of Cecil as the final marker post but sadly, I fear it is a wish too many. Please enjoy another story about Cecil below and feel free to pass this message to others.

I have had my say and I know that for the most part, the civilised ones amongst us all will have there say also but I do applaud the TV presenters words below who as I say above, probably speaks for us all and I see no sense and no reason for why anyone would derive pleassure from removing a life from such a wonderful animal. If you need to shoot animals, may I suggest you do it with a camera and share you skills on the internet and allow us all to enjoy the quality of life and not the remorse of death.

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