Sunday 8 July 2018

Who Would Have Guessed.....!!

8th July 2018

Well here we are in what England would politely describe as an unbearable heatwave that simply appears to never end and if this is global warming, "bring it on" as there are no complaints from me. However, we are not here to chat about the weather bu really to bring you up with the life and times of "Peter Hulbert" and his madness and crazy world, that just recently has been a little quiet.........or has it ?. Hmm...!!! So, what subject should we cover today that is important enough to cause interest to so many........."Of Course"......FOOTBALL & The World Cup and more importantly, England who are through to the semi finals with a game against Croatia booked for Wednesday and who would have ever guessed that 6 months ago. Ok, I have learned from past experience that if I support England or shout it out loud, they will fail and as such, my lips remain tightly shut but what I want to say is the following but to which I will not breath a word but simply allow someone else to say on my behalf.

Good Luck To Our Beautiful England Team

18th July 2018

Ok, so here we are some 3 days after the world cup final and the sad news for all England fans was that we eventually caved in at the semi finals and lost to Croatia who deservedly won the game after extra time and with less that 10 minuets to the end of the game and for those who don't already know it, they were beaten in the final by France who were from the outset one of the favorites to win and on the day, they performed in a class above the others and deserved there moment of glory. 

I would like to point out at this point that the so called union of the United Kingdom was certainly marred by the Scottish Unionist Party trying as they always do to gain public support for the hatred of the English and not support them in the world cup but instead making it public that the Scottish people should turn there backs on England and support Sweden in the tournament. At this point I will draw attention to the fact that the Scots failed to even qualify to make the world cup competition and despite the support from Scotland for the Swedes, England made us proud and we beat Sweden 2-0 in the quarter final. I would also say that when England that when England failed to make the tournament finals some years ago along with Scotland & Wales, we all threw are weight and support behind Ireland as our nearest partners and close friends but never behave as the Scottish do and reject our closest ally and friend.

England has reached it's summer time now and unlike most summers, the heat and sun has been exceptional this year, to the point where there is talk of a water shortage in some areas and whilst it has not reached the point of bath with a friend to save on the water, we have reached a point where much of the west coast has now gone into a hose pipe ban and the rest of the country is on warning to reduce waste as the reserves is getting rather low. We did once suffer this back in 1976 and as such it is quite a rarity and as always with the English, we just soak it up and get on with it. On the plus side, the garden is in full bloom and looking quite special which is something not to be snubbed at. My Daughter has now settled into her new home and is now starting driving lessons as this may serve her better in later life if planning children etc. This makes myself (Peter Hulbert) sound really old but it turns out that all of my school friends are already grandparents and I am the last to be considered for the job.  
There is much anger within the UK right now due to the friction created by the Prime Minister who refuses to acknowledge "BREXIT" as the will of the people but instead keeps fighting her advisers and cabinet Ministers with daily undermining of anything they formulate in respect of trying to create what is commonly known as a deal on Brexit to which she (Theresa May) will accept, except that the will of the people was to leave the EU without any deal. We never asked for a deal, simply voted to leave and the massive cost of remaining is creating much friction by the vote leave public. The most concerning thing and the issue which causes most alarm is the fact that she refuses to acknowledge democracy and simply single mindlessly demands that her will be obeyed but I am happy to say that the Tories are already recognising her arrogance as well as the future of politics and with a fair wind, she may be gone shortly and replaced by someone who leads. 

25th July 2018

So here we are in the last week of July and it's turmoil from every angle in the UK political arena and whilst I would like to think that Governments for the most part are honest, I suspect you will find it very difficult to find anyone in the UK to underline that comment today and that is quite sad. To bring you up to spec with the madness of the UK weather, back in March I was posting pictures of the extreme snow and extended winter but here we are some 4 months on from that and in the hottest summer since 1976 with a severe draught and many rivers run dry. It's difficult to accept that this is officially what they call global warming as I know from the history books that we have had lengthy periods of warming up and cooling down and during the invasion of the Roman era in the British Isles, the Romans actually grew grapes and produced wine on the borders of Scotland some 2,000 years ago and as such, it must have been very warm at that time to achieve that and I am aware that the furthest North that I am aware of where wine is produced is at Holmfirth some 10 miles north of me, but still a good 80 miles south of the Scottish border.

I can't help thinking to myself some days that we clearly live in a strange world surrounded by strange people with strange habits & attitudes but when I saw the car to the left driving through the streets of Scotland, I bowed my head to someone who must have pissed of so many people in his or her life that when that faitful day came that we will all face at some point in our life, the person or people to whom they had pissed off, decided for whatever reason not to let it end there but to carry on the madness to the funeral and who knows, even beyond the grave. It made me smile but also left that empty thought that I would love to know the story behind the action of the mourner who clearly must have bought and paid for the flowers with such hate or revenge in their meaning to annoy to the very end the person who is now evidently dead but who's memory or actions was still well and truly alive in the deepest part of someones mind and thoughts. The conclusion to which I finally accepted in my mind was that if nothing else, they were honest in there display of emotion and not as many if not most of us would have done which is to stand around talking small talk about what a wonderful and lovely person they were and how much they will be missed by so many. This person made it abundantly clear that they would not miss them and the only feeling that was left behind was a bad one to which for whatever reason, they were not prepared to call it a day and let sleeping dogs rest no matter what and to than end and by no means as a sign of approval, I at least bow to your courage and conviction and ability to stand by your true feeling and principals despite the moment.   

5th August 2018

So, we finally reached the 8th Month of 2018 and August is always such a challenging month in the UK as many people are away on holiday and the children are on there 6 weeks summer break as well as our Parliament who appear to take an over extended break for reasons best known to them only. I guess somewhere along that way, the Tax Payer will be paying them for that privileged process somehow. I am a great believer in the process of Democracy but it sometimes has it's way of being manipulated for the wrong reasons and presently, out Government, or should I say leader of the Government is doing exactly that, which smacks in the face of the very people who voted them into the ivory tower to where they now preside. However, be aware of the old saying "Easy come, easy go" and I suspect the go is not too far away. I hasten to say that our great leaders were never known for anything more than high morals and standards to which respect to others who put them in their place was paramount and I feel confident in saying that they would not tolerate the goings on in the Houses of Parliament right now in there day.

Whilst I write this weeks update on my blog page, I can't help but ponder a thought for those who are away on holiday enjoying the wonderful weather in the UK and in Europe even hotter figures that are causing great concern for the medical people who are waiting for a possible world record temperature to hit Spain & Portugal on Wednesday which could see 49 or even 50% on the mainland which I am assured is truly hot. The last recorded highest reached was 47% and it looks very likely to top that this week. What I would say is if you are out in the sun be it UK or overseas, just remember how quickly it catches us and the affects of the sun are too bad to imagine and as such, take great care. Also, beware who might appear in your selfies whilst away, sometimes we capture the moment without realising who or what was in the background and for that reason, please share your moments with the rest of us like this kind lady did above. I'm sure that someone will recognise the gentleman in the background and make him famous one day for his moment of pride on the beach.