Thursday 21 June 2018

The Longest Day & Shortest Night

21st June 2018

So, we are precisely at the middle of the year depending upon which way you count it. This for the Northern Hemisphere is the longest day of the year and from here on in, each day becomes a little shorted each day. However, if you measure the months as 12, and call 6 or June the middle month and the 15th the middle day based on 30 days, my Birthday is the middle day but the 21st is the precise one in reality.
So, the World Cup finally got underway and whilst I won't say too much about it on the basis that I might be repeating what you already saw or know, I will pay a small tribute to my home grown England Team who won their first game 2-1 and are playing again on Sunday. I wish them every success and hope they bring home some glory and restore some pride back into the England right now as it is truly needed. The whole event so far has been so well presented and by all accounts has been a huge success for Russia and provided them with a platform to showcase just what a great job they can do when they are given the opportunity to do so. I personally find the Russian Grand Prix one of the best of the year also and it just shows that Russia have gone a long way and taken great steps in providing the world with some amazing events and I for one hope it continues. Russia have set the tone this year in the world cup by scoring the most amount of goals and showing the there progress to the knock out stages and next round was well deserved, I only hope that England make the next round also and with Germany & Argentina floundering a little, it provides a little hope that we may go much further in the tournament..........."I live in hope more than expectation".

 So, what else has been happening around the world I hear you say.....well, President Donald Trump made the headlines with his intervention with the North Korea threat and by all accounts the end of the world date has been set back for a while due to Trump's assurance that North Korea will become a nuclear free zone in the very near future and that North Korea sanctions will continue until that undertaking has been completed but to which may be lifted later and allow North Korea to re-join the rest of the world in trading etc. Whilst we are on this subject, I do wish people would recognise what lengths Trump has gone to in order to try and secure peace in the far east and despite what you may think or say, it must be recognised that in previous Presidential terms, no progress, no attempt and no communication has taken place and as such, the problem of North Korea simply escalated and this is not good for anyone be they Western or Korean and whilst it is early days, it's fair to say that Trump has moved mountains and made history and in that respect, I salute him and thank him. I hope the good will continues and true peace and not fake emotions continue and I pray that one day, the border will be open to allow both North & South to re-unite with divided families and friends from past. I remember when German was re-united and it was such a special time and exciting for all the world to see and whilst Korea is not quite as significant, it's just as important in many ways and would be wonderful  for the country and families it directly affects.
I will end today's update with a reminder that our home grown Prince Harry got married and what a wonderful day it really was. The whole day was so special and the one thing that shone through was the reality of two people so happy in love and it truly was a romance made in heaven. We, the loyal ones in the United Kingdom are truly proud of our Royalty and the splendor it brings to our country and to see the whole world in envy of something that we have brings a lump to my throat and we sit back and enjoy the "New Royal Couple" start out on a whole new chapter of both duties and lifestyle and despite what people assume, it will be big changes for both and not just one. God Bless them both and I wish them every success and happiness ahead.