Wednesday 14 March 2018

Getting Old Happens So Quickly.

14th March 2018

It's a fact of life that we all get older but just when we need more time to do what we used to do much quicker, the clock appears to speed up and the finish line becomes much clearer and not so far away. It seems like just yesterday that I was hanging the tinsel on the Christmas tree and already the special day in every Irishman's life is upon us and St Patrick is jigging up and down all around me and for some weird reason, everyone is saying "Too sure, too sure & Top of the morning to you too".

It's always been quite a mystery why so many people in England celebrate St Patrick's day when we just brush over St Georges day without even a mention for some reason but perhaps it's because we have had such a lengthy period of usually a combination of both bad weather and dark miserable days and the excuse and I do mean any excuse to let off some steam and enjoy a party is probably the reason we enjoy becoming Irish if only for a few short hours. I myself like the rest of the people who become like sheep have already prepared myself for the big day by arranging the purchase of a very large Guinness hat, green "Celtic" T shirt and green shoes for the one day this year where I might turn out and look like a very overweight and stupid looking leprechaun called "Peter Hulbert" and for no reason that makes any sense, have planned ahead and decided that against all that is expected, I may actually be tempted to have a drink of something that can only be made in Dublin to quality to be Irish. So why.....I ask myself do I do this crazy ritual with my wonderful daughter every year and never miss. Tradition is the only answer I can offer and it's the one day that I commit to every year to spend the day with my daughter.

So, I have some news for the ones who follow crazy and enjoy ending the day with a smile and not a tear and whilst it's not particularly exciting, it's at least going to caused misery to the grumpy and a smile to the happy ones among us all........and we all know who they are...!! In this time of cut back after cut back, we in the UK are all aware that one of the things that is vanishing from our high street is the local Bank and it's causing much concern among the people who like to see the local branch and staff and down want to speak through a computer or technology of any kind. The point of digital was supposed to be better for all and be accessible 24 x 7 but if this were true, why do so many not embrace it but simply fight it. Well today I found a Bank that was clearly open but not for accepting deposits, withdrawals or complaints and whilst that in itself is a problem, it also clearly states that there is "no fishing" either from that branch......!!   Please have a very Happy St Patrick's Day and drink responsibly and stay safe so that we can all meet up this time next week to say we made it.

27th March 2018

So we are the back end of March and no matter what, we are here and in a position stronger than some and better than others and as such there is no room for complaint in a world where looking back does not work and moaning simply wastes time and energy. Easter is knocking at the door for the most part of my country as many except for the spoilers who spend their time trying to ban or prevent it for some weird reason best known to them.
I was out and about in my fine City this week and whilst I was out, I had a small window of opportunity to take some pictures and share them with you. This piece of fine engineering is a well known landmark which is the bridge over a few major roads that runs down the side of Ponds Forge Swimming & Gymnastic center that is a huge asset to our city as it attracts visitors from all around the globe to enjoy the world class facilities to which it provides to all who visit. You will notice that traveling across the bridge is our very modern tram system that once again serves our city so well.
To the left, you will see the outside of our very special swimming pool and it's leisure facilities and as you may notice in the distance, there are a series of water slides inside one of the pools here to which actually goes outside and back in again at quite a speed and the kids and adults truly enjoy both slides provided here. I am very proud of my City and the way it has recovered from some very testing times over the years that started back in the 80s with over 3,000,000 unemployed to what is today a very successful City with a thriving population and very proud of it steel industry to which was the foundation that our City was built on, although some may dispute that and say that we were more famous for our cutlery and silver business which were world renowned for there quality and style. Sadly, I remember when most of this industry was moved out of the city for economic purpose and is probably made somewhere in the far east today
This week spelled the twice a year event of the changing of the clocks to which I would be grateful if someone could actually explain to me the purpose of this crazy ritual that catches so many out and causes so much mayhem for so many for so little reward to which for some weird reason nobody challenges why. However, for those who enjoy a cheeky smile at those who don't know, here is a bunch of volunteers who turn up yearly at the "Stone Henge" stones and by working in both harmony and unison, they manage to lift all of the stones forward one hour in which to comply with EU rules that all clocks must display local time in accordance with the European demand. Most if not all of the volunteers are druids and as it is EU rule, nobody is allowed to be paid for the nights work and should be proud that they were part of this trustworthy team to which they can share the stories with there children that they were part of the European workforce of volunteers who lifted the 200 tun stones forward 1 hour in accordance with the EU law which saved them from the lefties who may argue that we didn't apply a risk assessment or health and safety officer along with a IT engineer and productivity officer and site manager to oversea the work that early Man managed before he could even speak. One last word before I go, please enjoy Easter and the time we all have. You don't need to be religious of any kind but the period in time is called and known as Easter and as long as I have the strength to speak, I will defend the right to call it that.

3rd April 2018

Can anyone tell me where my home country of Great Britain has gone today. The country of pride in your Town and respect for your neighbor and compassion towards others. Where has it all gone to.
I still remember the days when Whitsuntide held its annual march through the streets to display and show off the congregation and the children used to show off their new cloths. The ladies and girls would wear their new bonnets and the local band would play ahead of the march.
I still remember when we took assembly at school where for a few short moments we sang hymns and said prayers whilst we stood quietly and respected our teachers who led the congregation. I still recall when our local Bobby (Police) carried a small truncheon and whistle and walked our streets, they always said good morning to the public who all knew him or her by name. Where is our green and pleasant land where we used to roam and breath fresh air and where is the humanity & spirit of our great nations gone that gave the title “Great” in Britain. Nobody agrees with the changes to our country, so why do we just accept them as they happen. For evil to develop and grow, all it takes is good to people to stand back and allow it. Where did my country go......!!    

7th April 2018

So, here we all are yet again and my week has been full of it's normal up's and downs and if I (Peter Hulbert) was talking about my love life, that would be bragging but sadly it is not and it's more akin to my normal routine to which is probably more entertaining than my love life. So I started my week with 6 inches of snow on the ground and ended my week with the hottest day of the year so far and to say it is crazy weather is an understatement in more ways than one. My ability to sustain bullshit fired from a machine gun with high impact rounds is what keeps me going some-days as it come thicker and faster than ever. However, I never say die and I am no quitter and as such, quitting is for quitters and the difference between success and failure is the ability to find a way through no matter what.

So if life was so full of roses and perfume, why is there always a smell of BS when we get downwind of certain people. We all know people who are full of it and the stories they peddle is always far more interesting that the people telling the truth, sadly the reality of the BS is what affects us all in so many ways, normally in a negative way more than any positive outcome. However, for Peter Hulbert and his weird world, it is all power for the cause in the end and what doesn't kill me, makes me stronger is what I like to think. So my week started on such a positive note as it was a Bank Holiday in the UK and for the most part, much of the world too and as such it all started a little slowly with many people taking an extended break and trying to locate the rest was a real nightmare. I decided in the end that as so many people were not available or away on an early break, I might as well survive the week by doing something else and ending with a smile than a pile of frustration and because of that, I motivated myself to go out to the countryside and absorb some of natures finest fresh air, while it is still free.
So my all anticipated and eager start to April was dashed somewhat by others rather than myself but I am always focused enough to have a fall back plan and as the sun rose in the eat, so did Peter Hulbert with his camera as always. In the end, it turned out to be quite a positive experience as I rather enjoyed drinking coffee in local areas, surrounded by countryside and green fields to which I always stress that I am so blessed to live so close to.

April 18th 2018

The first real taste of summer arrived with the temperature souring into the 20% C and tomorrow is expected to be even better. I would like to stress here and now, this is not a complaint but an appeal for more after such a long winter and snow was on the ground just 2 weeks ago and as such the sight of the sun was like winning the lottery 2 weeks in a row. My local shopping center was turned into a day at the seaside today and the kids loved it. All I need is a beer and knotted hankie and I'm happy.

I took some time out today to visit my local shopping center at Fox Valley Shopping which was a pure delight to enjoy a coffee and sunshine with a few kids enjoying the fountains and the sound of music in the background. It's on days like these when I realise why Yorkshire is known all over the world as "God's Own Country" and why we who maintain it and live here are so proud of the whole place and it's magnificent history. We might be rough be we are also ready for anything the world can throw at us.  
4th June 2018

So, here we are in June and I sense that you are saying "Why was there no May post" and I would say, Good Point.....!! I would waffle a little and excuse myself before I would think up some excuse to share with you.........The truth is, my daughter was moving home and it was all hands on deck and as my past life was as a carpenter, I got the job of making all the cupboards, wardrobes and bed site cabinets. I also installed some CCTV and hung the pictures, mirrors and hanging baskets outside. All in all, it was a nice change and a real pleasure to help my daughter get a good start in life and hopefully a platform in which to build upon.  May was a time for many a record to be broken in the UK and the most notable was the temperature which set a new record of the hottest May on record. No complaints here then and if I hear anyone moan about "Global Warming", I will kick them on the shin. We had a very long and hard winter and a few weeks of sun was well earned.

For those who know me as the local cynical jokester, I couldn't miss the opportunity to share a picture that I took whilst down in my Capitol City this week and who am I to suggest a reference to whom this sign might be directed at, except that would only ever say in humor that politicians are the main target of this sign and that the warning is to the public that the people who live on this street are the political crooks who rob from the poor and give to the rich. I suppose it is always a cheap joke to send one in the direction of our Politicians and that is probably a term in general across the world but if the truth be known, I wouldn't want that thankless task as you are always between the devil and the deep blue sea and we can't please everyone. Democracy should provide a comfort that we ate least had a say but as we had a say on the future of our country and it's association with Europe to which it is almost 2 years to the day that we voted and still no change, I'm beginning to have little faith in the process of democracy today. I remember when our nation used to look down and frown upon Russia for the dictatorship and no democracy but the tables have changed in recent times and the UK is the laughing stock of the world right now.

 Whilst I am on the subject of Politics and writing about the Month of May, I would like to give a quick mention to the events that the BBC and mainstream media refuse to cover which was the events that took place in my home City of Leeds in relation to "Tommy Robinson" of which I will just offer my thoughts for Tommy and his family to whom must be truly suffering at this moment in time. I will not make a judgement as that would be wrong of me but what I will say is that I have a lot of sympathy for Tommy and his cause and his bravery and determination are to be admired in my opinion and to that end I will say no more on this issue but will refer you to Google and the press who I now believe are covering the story rather well and certainly much better than I could ever wish to.

Oh how times have change. I can still remember when the "Etch A Sketch" was the cutting edge of technology and the comments wrote on this one sum it all up perfectly for me. The age of plastic brought cheap educational tools to the world and as quick as they came, the just as swiftly went. In my lifetime, I can still remember the very distinct smell of "Bakelite"which was a very basic and cheap material that led toward the plastic revolution. It was nothing like the modern materials of today and was highly flammable, very unstable and all in all a cheap and nasty material to be involved with but it did kick of the start of plastic development as it's known today.

9th June 2018

So, we are pretty much entering the center of the 2018 year where the downhill slide back to shorter days and longer nights appear more frequently and for me, that spells cold nights and frosty days at some point..........Ok, I will shut up, we haven't reached summer yet so I will stop now for 5 months and then moan again. I was in a writing mood today and decided to write a few words to someone very special in my life from who I miss dearly in every way and I hope you read my message to them below.
I wonder how many relationships have held firm just through the invention of the phone and then on the other hand how many have been destroyed once again by the phone. Technology is a wonderful thing that helps to bring the world together in so many positive ways and yet it is so often abused by so many for such little reward, sad really when you think about it. I often wonder how our ancestors would have reacted if the technology we have today was in there hands at the times when they set off around the world in search of the new and promised land. Can you imagine if the internet was alive and kicking when the Mayflower set off for Plymouth Rock or even if Captain Cook wad sat nav when he sailed the southern seas. Can you imaging getting a text from far away saying you discovered America or a selfie saying that Kangaroos had been discovered, another weird but wonderful thought would be the reverse of that thought which would be where would we be today had that be the case.......Hmmm...!!!  Ah well, day dreaming is a wonderful thing but the reality is that here we are and it is what it is no matter what you think. For me, the reality is that my life is very dependent upon technology, despite all the problems associated with it. I just hope your world is less fraught than mine is and that your communication is better placed to work than mine is on a more daily basis as my connections in life are all so far away and I am so self reliant on many things working in order to make them work. "Don't ask the next question" as I will not answer it but suffice to say my world is complex and never an easy thing to manage but I wouldn't have it any other way.

10th June 2018

I'm thinking of introducing a change to the way we name our days and true to western democracy, I will suggest a vote and if I don't get what I want, will ignore the result. As such, I propose we change the name of Sunday to boring. "Not boring day", just boring. So from 2019, it will go as follows: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Boring, Monday etc.... If you agree, stand with me. If you do not........tough..!! So, how was your day I ask myself, followed do you expect to tell me as I stopped people writing on my blog. My day can be summed in a few words. Hot, Boring, F1 Canada, More Hot More Boring.......Day over.

Have you ever just stopped what you are doing be it work or pleasure and wondered what life is all about. Are we here for a reason, for a purpose and if so why ?.....What is the reason, what is the purpose or is it just blind faith that we are all here. In nature, nothing happens for no apparent reason, everything has a purpose and nothing was created by or for design. So what is our purpose and why are we all here. We don't contribute positive things to planet earth in a way that benefits others other than ourselves and we certainly show no respect for other animals or plant life that we share this planet equally with but we do take up most of the good things that are created on earth and share non of it in a way to benefit the community of other species no matter what that are. So why was Man so successful when all he did was rape the planet of good and leave a trail of bad behind for the next generation to deal with. Did you never stop and think, did you ever wonder why or like me, did you just walk blind along the road and without a care in the world. Why do some generations and cultures appear to have everything and other cultures and countries have very little if anything at all. Who created this mad world has a lot to answer for and whilst nothing is perfect, the planet fell a long way short of being right first time. The picture to the left is a wonderful image of blind faith and it emphasis's the harsh reality of nature and blind faith in so many ways.  

14th June 2018

So, we finally reached the start of "The World Cup" of football and there is no way it could go by without a mention. I am not going to mention who we show support to or who we miss or wanted to be there (Italy & Holland) as it is too greater loss that we wish to mention and as such I am totally within my rights to say I wish our boys all the very best of luck and hope that we ultimately win the trophy in the end. 
I do find it rather distasteful that as a nation, neither Scotland, or Wales ever show support for the English team when in reality we as the English always support all four of our competing nations as if they were our own. I am beginning to realise that it is more of a fashion and not a true feeling to not like England but our history is built upon success and perhaps that is the envy to which the other 3 are lacking. The rest of the world should remember that without England, there would be no football tournament as it was a 100% English invention. England have at least won the trophy once and have on this occasion managed to make it to the finals unlike Scotland, Northern Ireland & Scotland who show there dislike by refusing any support for the one team with the ability to represent the United Kingdom in a major event. I for one am proud of my great country and wish the boys every success in there attempt to bring home the trophy.