Thursday 25 June 2015

My Last Few Days Of School By Peter Hulbert

25th June 2015

This is rather a personal update to an event to which my friends from School will remember all too well..............or do they ?

I wasn't a gifted child but more of a free spirited type person who found school rather a bore but felt I had a lot to offer but not in an academic way. Toward the end of my school life, the whole of my class mates and colleges were all interviewed by a "so called expert" with regards to our future prospect of ever being employed. In my instance, I had already been offered an apprenticeship as a carpenter, as was my two really good friends Gary Gowans (Kip) & Mark Gail to whom Kip had been offered an apprenticeship as a hair dresser and Mark had been offered an apprenticeship as a Chef, so quite frankly we didn't give a toss what this interview was going to turn out cos we were ok.

On the day of the interview, we were all called up and told in simple terms we were of average intelligence and had no prospect of finding employment except that they had some positions available as "Silver Smiths". Bear in mind this was 1976 and we didn't know what to do and were quite immature and only 16. However, each and every one of us said politely "Thanks but No Thanks". We were then spoken to by some condescending & arrogant bastard who said, well that's the thanks I get for trying to help. You all deserve what you get which is nothing and no hope of ever making anything of your lives The last time I saw Kip, he had just won the 2nd prize in New York for the international hairdressers competition representing the UK to which he had won 1st prize in the British hairdressers competition. Mark had qualified with outstanding credentials as a Chef and eventually moved to South Africa to a top class Hotel etc. Myself, well...... I completed my apprenticeship and threw in the towel as a carpenter but did move to Investment Banking where I worked in London, New York, San Francisco, Mexico, Switzerland & Canada.

Now, back to the story. After such a condescending and deflating lesson of how grown up's think they know it all and being catagorised as no hoppers, we went on the rampage and as the local school was showing round the kids to whom would be starting at my school in the new years term, so to put it blunt were worried about this infamous school with such a poor record of trouble etc and myself and two friends found a kid whom was in a wheel chair because he had fallen from his bike and broke his chin bone. We wheeled him down the school field and removed the wheels from his chariot, meanwhile, we had also stolen some paint from the art room and bought some eggs from the local shop. We subsequently tied another kid to a drain pipe and painted him in Sheffield Wednesday blue and white and the third kid we tormented got off light as we tied his to a tree and smashed 6 eggs on his head. So for me, school was a pile of shit but the last days were worth a million others at the Hinde House camp for reprobates.

For those who remember the event, I have put a copy of what happened next on the picture below.

For those who enjoy a little less conformity or rebellious nature with a large dose of comedy thrown in, I would suggest you follow us at Twitter or Facebook and lighten up a little.