Thursday 25 June 2015

My Reflection Of The Seasonal Changes. Peter Hulbert


Autumn blew it's leaves at me and I stopped and stared through a naked tree, Threatening winter as I walked by and surrounded by an air of silence broken only by the sound of my beating heart.

Summer always goes so quick and barely even stopping un- like my thoughts which pause only to hear the voice of sanity. I dip and spin and change so fast that I simply have to wonder “will I last”.

Through the windows of the train I see the wonderful land in which we reign
I caught a glimpse of a paper cup and reflected on my life as though it could all simply be spilled.

Hanging small in a pale blue sky and wondering as I pass along the track why was it I.
Never knowing which way's up and only knowing there is no more down, who do I trust that won’t lie.

Looking up and beyond the clouds and what's to be found, is there a space in heaven that’s not here on the ground, I have to wonder “will I always be around”.

I sit and think of all the magic moments that we'd spent and I just can't let you go from me.    I didn't mean to hurt you but in the end result I know you didn’t really care.
I am wishing for a star to follow where we are, and I'm praying for a dream to follow where we'll be and I'm praying for a rainbow to find our pot of gold but I know deep in my heart that it will all end so cold. 

My Last Few Days Of School By Peter Hulbert

25th June 2015

This is rather a personal update to an event to which my friends from School will remember all too well..............or do they ?

I wasn't a gifted child but more of a free spirited type person who found school rather a bore but felt I had a lot to offer but not in an academic way. Toward the end of my school life, the whole of my class mates and colleges were all interviewed by a "so called expert" with regards to our future prospect of ever being employed. In my instance, I had already been offered an apprenticeship as a carpenter, as was my two really good friends Gary Gowans (Kip) & Mark Gail to whom Kip had been offered an apprenticeship as a hair dresser and Mark had been offered an apprenticeship as a Chef, so quite frankly we didn't give a toss what this interview was going to turn out cos we were ok.

On the day of the interview, we were all called up and told in simple terms we were of average intelligence and had no prospect of finding employment except that they had some positions available as "Silver Smiths". Bear in mind this was 1976 and we didn't know what to do and were quite immature and only 16. However, each and every one of us said politely "Thanks but No Thanks". We were then spoken to by some condescending & arrogant bastard who said, well that's the thanks I get for trying to help. You all deserve what you get which is nothing and no hope of ever making anything of your lives The last time I saw Kip, he had just won the 2nd prize in New York for the international hairdressers competition representing the UK to which he had won 1st prize in the British hairdressers competition. Mark had qualified with outstanding credentials as a Chef and eventually moved to South Africa to a top class Hotel etc. Myself, well...... I completed my apprenticeship and threw in the towel as a carpenter but did move to Investment Banking where I worked in London, New York, San Francisco, Mexico, Switzerland & Canada.

Now, back to the story. After such a condescending and deflating lesson of how grown up's think they know it all and being catagorised as no hoppers, we went on the rampage and as the local school was showing round the kids to whom would be starting at my school in the new years term, so to put it blunt were worried about this infamous school with such a poor record of trouble etc and myself and two friends found a kid whom was in a wheel chair because he had fallen from his bike and broke his chin bone. We wheeled him down the school field and removed the wheels from his chariot, meanwhile, we had also stolen some paint from the art room and bought some eggs from the local shop. We subsequently tied another kid to a drain pipe and painted him in Sheffield Wednesday blue and white and the third kid we tormented got off light as we tied his to a tree and smashed 6 eggs on his head. So for me, school was a pile of shit but the last days were worth a million others at the Hinde House camp for reprobates.

For those who remember the event, I have put a copy of what happened next on the picture below.

For those who enjoy a little less conformity or rebellious nature with a large dose of comedy thrown in, I would suggest you follow us at Twitter or Facebook and lighten up a little. 

Monday 22 June 2015

Peter Hulbert 22.06.2015

Today I was introduced to yet another blog site to which I found quite interesting and as such have tried to write in a slightly differing way to my Google Blog site although some of the pictures and videos may well have been repeated.

The blog site to which I refer to is created by Live Journal and is quite an interesting site, should you wish to view the site and it's content, please feel free to do so by following the link to the site with the name Peter Hulbert

As you are probably aware, we also provide some fun and interesting postings via our Facebook site which can be found below and if you visit our page, it would be nice if you could like so we know that someone has visited and appreciated the work and madness involved.
Once again and in line with tradition, we also run a Twitter site and this has regular postings and a reasonable following, it would be nice if you took a few seconds out to view this and if you run a twitter site of your own, if you follow us we will always follow you in return. I hope you enjoy the postings to which Peter Hulbert manages to update almost hourly sometimes.

Saturday 20 June 2015

Peter Hulbert a visit to the railway station


Today was a little quiet at home with all the family either away already or going on holiday in the next 12 hours and as such Peter Hulbert as normal became a little fidgety and had arranged to meet up with someone who is always ready to spend a little time doing silly things that mean so much. As the weather was a little overcast and not expected to become too bright or sunny, it was a good opportunity to take some video footage of one of the nicer sites in Sheffield which greets most people when they first arrive in the city which is the railways station.

As the station was a little quiet at the time I arrived, it prompted Peter Hulbert to spend a little time trying out some unusual affects created with a video camera that provides a different perspective of what can be achieved with a bit of creative imagination. Below is a short clip starting out as a close up but zooming out to show what was in the shot and how it creates a different idea in the mind.


Below is the same shot as above but taken from a slightly different angle, it is hard to imagine that all of this sits so cleverly and effectively in the center of Sheffield but must be quite a nice welcome to visitors to the city for the first time.


Finally, we have a water feature located outside of Sheffield city railways station (Midland Station) to which Peter Hulbert always called or describes it as a working sculpture as it's more of an artistic piece than a functional attraction. It is made from stainless steel to which was invented in Sheffield and designed to simbolise and remind us all that fundamentally Sheffield is a manufacture town and world famous for it's "Made in Sheffield" brand. 

Until recently, Sheffield was a world leader (and still is) for the manufacture of steel and silver and was the envy of the world for it's silver products including cutlery, jewelry, trophy's and a whole host of other silver products but today it is now at the heart of two major Universities (Sheffield & Hallam) and is an epicenter for more diverse manufacture companies ranging from Boeing to Rolls Royce. Here is a look at the stainless steel water feature that is a constant waterfall of clean water running over a stainless steel backdrop and once again is at the main entrance to the Midland Railway Station and greets visitors as they arrive or depart from Sheffield.


Thursday 18 June 2015

Peter Hulbert day at the fair

18th June 2015

I thought that today I would share some moments with you all to which inspired me to take a few more pictures of some degree of unusuality, (not that there is such a word) but I'm sure you can stretch the imagination into something that works.

The first picture was taken by Peter Hulbert whilst he was out with his beloved daughter at the local visiting fairground and whilst it provides all the impression of going at a zillion miles per hour, it is in fact a little bit of trickery in regards to shutter speed on a camera which will result in quite spectacular results. If you are a keen photographer and have a SLR camera, all you need to do is adjust the shutter sped to a slow setting. I would urge you all to try this as the effect is something quite special.

Below is another example of the same affect but with the shutter speed slightly reduced and opened and closed for a lesser period of time. It creates a slightly different perspective of the same ride at the fair but as the shutter was only open for a brief moment, the end result looks quite different. Once again, this picture was taken by Peter Hulbert at the same fair.

Peter Hulbert took this picture of a big wheel ride at the fair whilst taking advantage of the half light offered while the close of day was upon us and the sun was on it's way down. Peter created a mist filter over the lens which creates the illusion of a mist or slight fog. This type of affect is often used on romantic pictures for weddings or such like but in this instance was developed to create a unique look of the big wheel.

Monday 15 June 2015


Today was my Birthday and I was celebrating 35 years of being 21.

The people to whom I care about most all did the normal things like buy me a card, drink blur de blur de blur but for some reason I wanted the planet to stop revolving and let me get off. However, that's not going to happen this year so here is what I did instead.

I woke up....... grumpy !!. I got ready and after a few hours of catch up etc, I gathered my thoughts and eventually "Eureka" I decided to jump in the car and go to Meadowhall and visit my favorite Thai Restaurant in Medowhall. I say that cos it's the only one I know in Meadowhall and if I said my fave of all time, that would be a lie as I know others that are better. However, according to the rules it was "Peter Hulbert" birthday and one has to put on the show.

I did get 10 mins of Peter Hulbert time though afterwards by the river where I took a short video to show the new Salmon & Eel ladder to let nature carry on up the river. Below is a short example of what can be achieved if the council allows some common sense. The river now allows both Salmon & Eels to migrate back up stream or down stream to mate and do their thing. It also allows for Brown Trout to join in the fun and also become sea trout when the mood takes them.

Im not too good with the video bit on my phone but you get the idea in the end. What I did do is put a second video on here without the finger bit in the way and it's much shorter to stop the bordem factor creeping in.   

Sunday 14 June 2015

Peter Hulbert

14th June 2015

Today was a little grim with the weather forecast and as such my original plan to take a long walk in the countryside was kind of shelved for whats known as common sense and as such I decided to take my daughter Bethany for a day out to Matlock Bath. It was one of those Father & Daughter times that are special.

As tomorrow is the day that Peter Hulbert was borne, it seamed appropriate to do something special with my daughter where we combine a day out with celebrating Peter Hulbert and his Birthday.

We arrived in Matlock Bath about lunch time and headed for the cable cars which take the strain out of the long climb to the top of "The Hight's of Abraham" and below is a short video showing the journey back down the valley as the return part of the trip. You will note by the view from the window that the weather was a little damp outside although as we spent much of the day in a Cavern on a tour, we were not really affected by the rain.

Peter Hulbert

Here is a view and short video showing what all the fuss is about when you go to Matlock Bath and want to know whats at the top of the Hight's of Abraham. In truth, there is this tower which is quite interesting and you can go up inside it to experience the stunning views from the top but I warn you in advance, it is no place for anyone with no head for hights and it's very narrow inside with a spiral staircase to which there is no room for anyone more than one person on the stairs at a time and as such if someone is coming down whilst you are going up, there is simply no place to pass and as such one of you will have to return to allow the other to get through.
As it was Peter Hulbert that suggested a visit to Matlock Bath, it was Bethany's decision what we visited and as such she chose the long haul to the top of the tower.

After the visit to the top of the tower, we then went to visit the Cavern which meant 171 steps which I can assure you was worthwhile but makes your legs remind themselves that those muscles that ache later have not been used for a long time. The video below shows the tower and views and I hope you enjoy.


Peter Hulbert

14th June 2015

Here are some local views as taken by Peter Hulbert to show you all what can be seen from the very top of the Hight's of Abraham at Matlock Bath in Derbyshire.

The town that can be seen below is Matlock which is a rural but slightly commercial Town as apposed to Matlock Bath which is recognised as a Spa Town and was built in the Victorian era to provide the tourists with the spring waters and a wonderful place to visit or take holidays. Today it is largely a tourist town and is a local beauty spot to visit.