Monday 1 January 2018

The First Day Of The Rest Of My LIfe

1st January 2018

Welcome back to the start of a whole new year of what I truly hope is a good one for everyone and that 2017 is gone but not forgotten for any of us as despite everything, we survived in whatever form that took. I like to look back at life as a learning curve and as we progress forward, we look back as an education to build upon. Some parts were good and some were bad, some were happy and some were sad but our regrets are few and we are blessed in as much as we survived which many did not.
Many people appear to only judge others by money, wealth and what they are worth but I have learned in life that money comes and goes and wealth is easily removed but real value is in who we are and what we know and I learned to only ever value people and not money. Good people and more valuable than hard cash and through trauma and personal experience in life, I learned that good people are worth everything and bad people are worth nothing in our daily lives. I value my friends as they truly are the very best a person could ever wish for which is more than I can say for my family on occasions. Today is the 1st of the 1st and a day to rejoice and celebrate but I pray that this is the last one I see in this condition, I spend my whole Christmas as well as new year alone and locked in my room as I was simply not welcome around the ones who should know better. However, it's onward and upward as I advance into the new year with a shadow of hope in the background and a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel that promises to bring along change and real prospect of a future outside of this circle of misery. I used to think I was all alone in my cocoon of doom and gloom but when I see the internet and so many people sharing stories of upset and depression, it makes me realise I am certainly not alone but far from it, I realise that the so called "Good Will To All" time of year is far from it and in reality, it's probably the cause of more divorce, family breakdowns or upset to so many. It's sad but so true. Ah well, so long 2017 and welcome to 2018 and a whole new chapter in the story of Peter Hulbert and what got him to this stage of his life and why. This year is a bounce back year and the plan is that certain heads will roll for what has happened and the truth will out in the end and whilst the pathway was a long and uncharted course, there was reason for everything and everything has a reason and timing is everything sometimes and my time is here and now. I have no plans to write a book or even make an issue of things but I do believe in justice and truth and both will appear this year and afterwards I can move on with my life to a new home, new wife and direction, most of which from overseas and far away. I hope on occasions you will touch base with my blog and fill in the gaps I left as I progress along through 2018 and as the time becomes right to share the valued points, I will be happy to do so. For now, wish me luck and I thank you all for your support.

5th January 2018

Well, what a week. We are into the first week of January and whilst it is winter, the rain and wind have been a major problem in the UK and as we hear the news on the TV, our thoughts are with our friends and families in the USA who are truly having some really bad snow and ice that has not been seen like this for many years. Our hearts go out to our greatest of friends the USA who always roll up their sleeves and just make it work, unlike many other nations around the world whom always shout "Money" for some reason. Tomorrow is Friday for me and I'm looking forward to meeting with "B" who as everybody knows, is always my priority when the opportunity arises and as we didn't see each other over Christmas, I have to take whatever is on offer for now. No doubt we will go for dinner somewhere as usual and I look forward to it so much.
As this week has as one might expect been a very quiet one and people on extended leave and slow returning to work, there is not much to say, except that my associates overseas have been very busy over the holiday period and I am excited about what news will hopefully come very soon. I will of course share this news with you all as and when I get updates and posted myself. Just keep the faith and we should all see a turn in direction and fortune very soon.
To the right is a large Scorpion made of steel and displayed outside of Forgemasters in my City. It is quite symbolic in some ways as I always say that a scorpion has a sting in the tail and whilst you may be watching the claws at the front, the sting is far worse that the bite should we say and my action plan for 2018 would describe that as par for course in the scheme of things. There certainly are a few names and old contacts to whom I expect to be seeing all too soon in which they may feel slightly surprised if not very uncomfortable about the reasons we all meet up again in such a circumstance. This will put the nails in the coffin that I require to fulfill my obligation to myself in order to continue onward with my life and plans to which include my planned wedding to which we are still waiting to confirm the dates but expect to once again share that with you all very soon.

16th January 2018

Today was a day of contemplation and thought and if you never step back and take some silent thought, I would suggest that it's time that you did. It is a great way of clearing the mind of confusion and replacing it with some logic without influence. Try it, you may well enjoy the moment.

There is something quite satisfying about this quite somber picture to the left and I will share this thought with you all to take with you throughout your life. "It does not matter how big your house is, or how fast your car goes because at the very end, we all have the same sized grave" and whilst I don't wish to encourage doom and gloom, I do hope you reflect on this simple message of life as everything that we have is not forever and that includes our life.

My world became very cold this week and snow, wind and driving rain followed by ice and more snow has made this part of the world very interesting at best and scary at worst for the drivers who always enjoy going just that bit quicker to the next accident. We were stricken by a major storm over the last 2 days with worse to come tomorrow through to the early hours of Thursday and cold is a word to describe the sunny areas of Yorkshire whilst freezing describes the rest.

When somebody asks me if it is cold where I am, I say no.......cold is 5% warmer than this and the description is that it is freezing her and not cold. For this young lady to the right, she discovered the hard way just what can happen on a cold and frosty morning. I would say at this point that my friends in the USA will be laughing at me right now as they truly are suffering from the cold weather and my days in Reno & Lake Tahoe were some of the most stunning of my life for snow and my time at Frenchmans lake were some of the most exciting. I recall seeing snow drifts over 12 feet deep and they were pretty special and the cold was amazing but I'm judging this in a UK context and as such it is quite unusual from the last few years point of view as we have not seen truly cold weather for a few years and it may bring problems but it also brings along benefits too that we enjoy for many reasons. 

24th January 2018

Yesterday was about as weird a day as it get's for about as many reasons that I care to forget but with some real high's and very few lows and one of those peaks is to be found below:

Despite what appears to be quite a boring scene from a country view, if you look toward the bottom and enlarge the picture, you will see the birth of a Rainbow to which took about 4-5 minuets to open up into a perfect arch but as I was driving along and heading for West Yorkshire and the town of Huddersfield, I saw this out of the corner of my eye and not having my camera was a problem but today the cameras we all have on our phone are very good at capturing snaps or moments in time such as this very well indeed. Below are some follow on moments of the Rainbow as it created such a spectacle in the skies above Yorkshire and a splendid moment in which to put into my special moments in time that I will never forget for a long time to come.
The bonus with this picture was the bright blue skies that came as part of the package and changed very quickly to grey and eventually the dark of night and I was very lucky to capture this moment with such clarity on a phone.
The Rainbow eventually covered a large area across the blue sky and as you will see below, it kept fading in and out a little due to the light conditions and changing of wind direction and wet conditions that were to follow but all in all I was quite impressed with one of those miracles of nature that we take for granted so often as just a part of life.

The image below whilst a little affected by the light, shows in the distance the famous Emley Moor TV tower that is quite the spectacular landmark and can be seen for miles around on a clear day.

29th January 2018

It's been a bit of a fast start to the week for some reason and whilst it is only Monday, I do appear to have managed to get a lot done in a short space of time for some strange reason. It's not a moan or complaint, more a pat on the back for getting on with it to which on a Monday was quite encouraging. My week ahead is generally guided and influenced by others as I need to speak to someone from overseas but am struggling to locate of connect with them. I always find with people overseas that because of the time difference and culture and prior commitments, it just becomes very frustrating and hard work and I often find myself looking in the mirror and telling myself to be more patient...........but I confess it has little affect on the final outcome. I have had some good thinking time over the weekend and my thoughts were focused upon a very special person in my life of whom is a Doctor and based outside of my country. They are suffering with a natural disaster and my thoughts are with them through these special moments as they are about to start working at an "All New Practice" from Monday and as a result of this natural disaster, it has made travel and daily routine very difficult in so many ways. Sometimes we just don't stop and think what it must be like to live under the present danger of the earths many faults and imperfections and coming from the UK where these things are almost unheard of, makes it even more shocking when our friends far away are so badly affected by these daily problems of which we have little if any understanding.

 Has anyone noticed how quickly this year is moving forward, it seems like only yesterday that we were all shouting "Happy New Year" and yet we are knocking at the door of February already. In many ways, it's a stark reminder of just how short a time we spend on Earth and how much we should value that moment in time that is so precious and yet we all so often treat is so wastefully by not enjoying the moment. Time is the one thing that we cannot replace no matter what. I always justify this by saying to people that the time we spend with our families and especially our children is far more valuable than the money we spend on them, I know as I grew up in a world where I was crying out for attention to which I never got except from my chosen friends and that feeling of emptiness is something that can never be replaced in later life. It has a lengthy and lasting affect in so many ways and depending on how your life and time was spent, defies if your life is filled with positive or negative memories in which to reflect and look back upon. I am often reminded of this with my own children and no matter what time they want with me, I give it as the pain of rejection is something I know all too well and I never want them to feel that no matter what. If there is any advice I can offer parents that I truly believe, it is that no "Play station, Nintendo or any other Video Game" will ever replace the memory of being in the park with your child and a ball. I guarantee it....!! Try it, your children only want your money when they can't get your time.