Monday 20 November 2017

The Long Cold Winter & 2017

The Cold Is Finally Here

We are well on our way to Christmas and it feels like only yesterday that we were all enjoying the Indian Summer but whilst summer was a long one this year, the change from warm to cold came very quickly and the prediction is for a white Christmas which is always nice and romantic but often a problem for travel and movement of people in the snow and ice.

The Autumn was a very colourful time in the UK and the farms as always were so busy gathering up the wheat, barley and hay for the winter. I spent much of the summer up at the farm and as always, many hands make light work although it always provides the ground rules for a good night sleep too after a hard day loading and carrying hay. The fields this week are showing all the signs of frost and cold as the Northern Wind blows in a fresh breeze the we describe as biting because of the severe cold. Many of the cattle both sheep and dairy are ready to come inside for a respite from the wind and soon the cows will be in for the winter and long days doing nothing.

November is a time for remembrance in the UK and the whole country falls silent at 11.00 am on the 11th day of the 11th month as a mark of respect for the fallen hero's of both world wars and on the right, you will see a small tribute to our very own Dambusters who practiced their run in the Derwent Valley in Derbyshire which is on the Sheffield border and the fly past as a mark of history was a special moment.

The Christmas build up started early this year and my thoughts a far away with a very dear friend to whom I hope to be united with very soon and whilst I don't want to wish my life away, I do wish the clock would move on a little faster so we can meet up and catch up on some lost time. Looking back over 2017 is a reminder of just how many people we lost from our lives both famous and personal to ourselves and the loss to the celebrity world has left many empty seats from both the acting and music world and a fitting reminder that we are only here for a short time and every moment is precious in so many ways. I always say we should live each day as if it were our last and treasure the moment.

I want to leave this post on a little lighter note with a reminder that Christmas is nearer and the stock has arrived at the farm ready for the big day. I named the guy on the left "Fred" although the experts will tell you it's a female but whilst everyone is getting excited for the bid day, I'm pretty sure this guy is in no mood to celebrate. I will leave it for now that I (Peter Hulbert) wish you all a very pleasant Christmas and lets all look forward to a good start to 2018 for all. The time of Christmas is a magical one for many, especially children who become very excited about the prospect of Santa visiting on his sledge pulled along by Rudolf and carrying lots of good things for children to enjoy and appreciate into the new year and beyond. For me, I simply look forward being around nice people who appreciate kindness and sharing and whilst it is a bit too much to expect, I would hope my Daughter might want to see me but alas I am learning that the black sheep is only welcome when needed but rarely wanted. When I look around the world at the poverty and starvation, I find it quite vulgar just how much the western world shows such little value toward the huge waste and expense of Christmas when there are children who would be grateful for a drink of clean water on Christmas morning but sadly it is the way of the world and no one ever said the world was a fair place to live.

I am expecting 2018 to be an eventful time with many changes and much progress in which to build some serious foundations and turn a corner. The farm is busy and I do not need to spend as much time there any more and as the stock comes and goes, the preparation is for March and lambing season when the hopeful start of an early spring might bring a good season of new lamb and allow the dairy and beef to stretch there legs and enjoy the sun. Most people around that time will be looking toward summer holidays and we will be hopeful and a warm season through both March & April and heading for stock sales in May through to July. I posted the picture to the right as it often sums up just how I feel and whilst life is a lonesome place, sometimes we just have to keep going. Sadly, 2017 saw too many famous people leave our lives and for me, the gap I miss the most was the music and memories of George Michael who was such a talent and huge loss to the music world. for those who wish to see or follow the daily nonesence as it happens, please feel free to follow us directly at and we will always welcome you on board.

11th December 2017
It's certainly took a change toward the severe winter in time for Christmas here in God's Own Country. Winter came with a vengeance over the weekend with plenty of snow to keep the streets looking like a place for Santa to park his sledge in safety. There have been many accidents on the roads but as I always say, "The only thing that has changed is the weather" and for some reason, people assume that driving at high speed in the snow and ice is fine.........until they come to a sudden and painful stop..!! Just set of 5 minuets earlier and drive slower and you might discover that the car survives the winter in one piece and your life remains stress free but it's rather like talking to the wall in many cases but I do love seeing the speed freaks who pass me at 70 mph rebuilding a tree 5 miles down the road when I pass them with a smile on my face. Brains not brawn is required, similar to the tortoise and the hare and we all know who won that race. Please just spare a thought for safety, the grave yard is littered with heroes and the scrap yard is full of the mistakes.
For those who are not quite sure just how much snow is a lot, the picture to the right is more than enough snow for most folk but here in God's Own Country, I would say that when it's this deep, it's time to put away the shorts and start thinking about wearing a long sleeved shirt in the county where Men are Men and hairy chests are the fashion and that includes the Men......!! I have no updates from the farm as I have not been up there this week but what I can say is the sound of gobbling turkey was silenced last week and maybe that is why I didn't pop over this week. I know it's the reality but I still find it difficult for some reason. Maybe next year will let you all pick one to save and all the money raised we could give to the local animal rescue center or something similar along the good cause avenue.

18th December 2018
Today was one of those beautiful bright blue skies and typical winter days in which the air is cold but so fresh and still and as such, a walk in the country was on the top of my list today and as I always enjoy the scenery where the famous "RAF 617 Squadron" (Dambusters) undertook their training, the order of the day was to head for the valley and reservoir on the Derwent valley.
As you will see in the background, there was snow on the hills and ice on the ground but this allows for the sense of winter and charm of the fresh air. Along the walk today, I met with a professional video surveillance and photographic team and spent a while learning how they capture true quality pictures & video from as far away as 7 miles and I found it truly interesting. As many people know, Peter Hulbert has a passion for photography and this takes another step up the ladder to which I may look into in the near future. Whilst I was not alone today, there were so few people about that the silence was deafening at times and I only saw 3 people in 2 hours which was akin to Heaven. The pictures to the right were only taken from my phone but they give a good indication of just how pretty the lake was today with it's mirror finish and sound of ducks in the distance, it was quite a spectacle to see and in the very far distance, the snow capped hills gave it a look of Switzerland in spring time. The world famous Dambusters chose the Derwent Valley because of is many similar features to the target they were due to attack in Germany and whilst Ladybower was not the reservoir they practiced the dummy attacks upon, it was used as the fly over from the Dam above which was where they released the non armed bouncing bomb.
The bridge to the far end of the lake is quite a land mark and feature of this wonderful reservoir and recently featured on TV as a memory of it's past, to which underneath the area around the bridge, is a submerged village which was flooded to allow for the positioning of the lake and on occasions such as drought or as I myself remember a few years ago when a maintenance team needed to inspect the lake, the reservoir level was lowered and at that unique time, one was able to see the village as it poked through the surface of the water one last time as a reminder of it's past. It was a strange sight if not a little eerie in some way. My distant memories of the lake are of about 30 years ago when I spent the day fishing with my old friend and fly fishing expert "Jack Charlton" whom at the time was the manager at Sheffield Wednesday and as this was a mid week fishing day, we agreed to meet on the Saturday at the Lady Bower Dam Hotel for a beer before he went off to the match. Ironically, we met a few weeks later at Filey Riggs where we sat for most of the day catching very little. Today, Jack casts his fly mostly in the River Tweed and I see very little of him.

24th December 2017
I never expected or planned to be writing any updates to this blogg in regards to the life and antics of one Mr Peter Hulbert on the eve of Christmas but one has to do what one has to do and as I'm not really doing anything right now, then this signaled the right time to sit and write a few words of mainly thanks to all of my friends and family who supported and guided me through 2017 and got me to this point in my life. It's true that there are many things planned for 2018 and all are very exciting and whilst I would love to share them with you, I'm reliably informed that I need to keep them under wraps for now but soon you will see a burst of excitement and at the time most appropriate, I will share the planned events and news with you all.

Christmas is truly a special time for most people and whilst I missed out on a few memorable times with my loved ones, I'm looking forward to a change in fortune that will make up for this in 2018 and whilst one can never replace those times and precious moments, I will try harder than ever to improve as a person in the new year and hopefully this will reflect the outcome in the end. Today, I sit alone and miss certain people both near and far so much, all that I wish is that my sacrifice is not gone in vein and they have a wonderful time where ever they are or whatever they are doing. Life is too short and I am a great believer that we should live each day as if it were our last one on earth and not look back in anger or regret.
It's been quite an eventful year and looking back at the many people to whom we lost in 2017 seems to be endless and often departed this world far to early, which left a space in our hearts that quite simply will never be replaced for whatever reason. I am not going to name anyone in regards to this as it's disrespectful but suffice to say there are many people whom I would give anything to be with right now and spend some time with that sadly are no longer here and are greatly missed by so many. Our short burst of snow appears to have gone for now but as winter has only just officially arrived, one must never assume it has gone for good as January, February & even March have often provided a blanket of snow to remind us all that the weather is in control in many ways but I'm pleased to say that great miles stone of the 21st December which is the longest night and shortest day in the Northern Hemisphere has passed us by and from now on, the days become longer and summer is on it's way, so all I can say is "Back on your heads Australia as it's our turn to have the sun". I wish to send my very best wishes to my friends in Australia, New Zealand, & Philippines whom I send my love to you all. 
Whilst we managed to miss the snow this weekend which caused problems for Santa, we are expected to take a serious drop in temperature over the next few days and while it always looks so good on a post card, the one thing you rarely want is the disruption that is caused when drivers ignore the logic of slowing down but instead show a complete disregard for common sense and speed up. This type of behavior often results in a bad end by accident or even worse, injury but all too often the innocent driver is affected by this madness by being involved in said accident of caught up in the delays caused by the accident and my logic always says "who gained what"from this type of stupidity and actions of the reckless. Please think in front and prepare for your journey in times of bad weather, please set off earlier and expect the unexpected and prepare for the worst and hope for the best and if we all slow down, we might just reach the other end on time and in one piece and with the added bonus of no insurance claims to deal with or accident repair garages to negotiate and argue with well into the new year. Better to keep the car we have in one piece that to collect the bits and hope they can be repaired which as we all know, is in itself a major inconvenience which if we admit it to ourselves, could well have been avoided by slowing down. Please stay safe and enjoy your Christmas and hopefully I will see you here in the New Year in the world and life of Peter Hulbert and his antics.

29th December 2017
It's just 48 hours to go for the UK to the count down to the New Year and whilst we have quite a time to wait, we all too often get absorbed in watching the other countries launch there New Year ahead of us and enjoy the spectacle and splendor of their excitement with just as much as our own New Year had started. I'm not one for looking back in a remorseful way but it has been a year of events both happy and sad and I pray that 2018 is a year of rejoice and happiness around the world and a lesson that war resolves nothing but peace brings people together.
 The world has many news channels and there is never a day goes by when we are not reminded of starvation and poverty somewhere in the world that is not associated or connected either directly or indirectly from war and whilst my heart bleeds for these people, I always ask myself why they have money for guns but not for food, why do they have children they can't feed and why do the Politicians always have a very large car and belly while the nation starves ?. There is something sick and morally wrong with the world that allows this on mass and we all have our differences and share our own space on the same planet no matter what your thought process is. When I breath out, that air passes to others and it goes around the world in the end and it's time we learned to work our differences out without fighting and war. I am a great believer that laughter has no boundary or border and while comedy has different levels, a laughter anywhere usually has a knock on affect to others where we all finish up laughing and I vote to ban wars and tell more jokes. I do hope that the world reflects one day and accepts that the only fight we should have on planet earth is a joint force to save our planet and pool our resources to do so. It would be a great turning point in history to think we left our planet in a better state when we left it than when we acquired it and that the future of our species went on protecting and preserving it for future generations to come.

31st December 2017

The countdown has started, the Fat Guy with the Big Red Coat has done his yearly task and now we are all getting excited that the end of 2017 is finally here and a whole new era and start to an exciting time is finally arriving and the anticipated 2018 is about to start with a variety of celebrations around the world. For the world of Peter Hulbert, it is always an exciting time filled with opportunity and hope that the new year is a step up and improvement over the last one.
For me, I have no plans except to stay up as I do every year and have a glass of whiskey at 12.00 to celebrate. I hope that next year I am with my future wife and my daughter to enjoy the moment together. For many around the world, the extremes are worlds apart and as diverse as it gets, from pure wealth of enjoyment on a private yacht drinking champagne to trying to keep warm inside a cardboard box that is called home. Sometimes, I think the world is so crazy with it's wealth when there is always enough to go round. In this day and age, there is no justifiable reason why people should not have a home or place to call home, where they live in safety and peace. Lets all wish for a better 2018 in which to learn from the mistakes made in 2017 and if we all just do one good deed for someone else in 2018, in our hearts we can feel some sense of kindness and fulfillment that will last our whole lives through.
I will be enjoying 2 New Years this year as I did in 2016/17 when I shared the moment with someone special who is 8 hours ahead of me and will be celebrating 12.00 at my 16.00 and the noise I get from that hour on the phone is amazing as they go quite crazy in that part of the world. Later, they link back up with me and share my New Year which is their morning 8.00 am and we both enjoy two special moments that is so precious to us both. For now, I will leave it quite simply that I wish you all a very safe night wherever you are in the world and sending you all my very best wishes for the New Year ahead and hoping that all of your dreams come true.

Thursday 2 February 2017

The Storm Has Passed At The Gates Of Heaven

2nd February 2017

Today is a short message but on the which I truly feel is an important one for those who are fighting there own demons and voices in the dark and wish they would simply go silent or fade away into the dark.

I am so often asked "How do you find the strength to carry on after what you went through" and my reply is a simple one. "It's because so many people are so loving and so supporting with words of kindness and encouragement to keep going" and for that reason alone, I keep going because I do not want to give them a reason to feel let down. If me keeping going gives them an ounce of strength to deal with there lives, affairs and gremlins, I will somehow find that extra bit of strength that they gave to me to keep myself going and them the encouragement to follow my path, even if I don't have any map or instruction to the road I'm on.

If I were to offer one piece of my life and some may say wisdom, it would be to say that if you believe in yourself and have faith in something, be prepared for all the criticism and prepare for the glory when that day finally arrives. Everything is possible if you have the drive and determination to make it happen. I wasn't brought up with money, good education or family connections. What I have today is through my own efforts, hard work and self belief. Never loos sight of who you are, where you started and who you met along the way. Not all people are good and not all people are bad, we are a mixture of good and bad, it's your job to work out who not to be involved in. The good are very good and the bad are very bad but the big problem is the good never say they are good and the bad pretend to be good and that is the major difficulty. The bad will tell you the good are bad and the good will say nothing about the bad as wisdom gave them the great gift of allowing you to find out for yourself and as such they kept silent throughout.

 The gift of life is something that if you are reading this is something that many people wished they still had as there time ended yesterday and as such we should all be grateful for the ability to enjoy the smell of fresh air. Never aspire to be something you are not and don't judge others by race, creed or colour but only by who they truly are. I always say "if the root to all Evil is money", "why does the church always ask for money". Call me cynical if you wish, you are entitled to your own opinion. I am well known for my great faith and deep belief but only in humanity, in people and in kindness but not always religion in it's recognised form. I hope people don't judge me for those words, they are not meant to offend but simply to offer my personal view of how I see life from my side of the fence.

I was asked recently "How do you manage to climb these great mountains of achievement with no safety net or rope". I will try to explain that in my own way of expecting nothing in return. I learned very early on that my problem was self confidence which many would not agree but deep inside I feel very lonely and sad. I always reach out to hold someones hand which is more in support than friendship but what I have learned is that the mountain I am climbing whilst holding someones hand is getting harder by each step. This is because I am not getting support but in fact carrying too much wasted baggage and it just makes the journey much longer, harder and with the only reward to be shared by the person to whom's hand I'm carrying. 2016 made the change in my pathway which signified no looking back. I have one person in my life to whom will come with me to the gates of heaven and with no looking back. This person is not baggage but a breath of fresh air who has fought there own demons along the way and provided me with the gift of love to which there is no price to pay. If you find one good person in your life, you are truly blessed as there is no feeling like this in the world and my world is complete in the knowing it took a long time to feel this way but I finally feel love, compassion and comfort through this one person whom I truly miss today and every day until they are here with me which is very soon.

Saturday 21 January 2017

The Silence Is Finally Broken

21st January 2017

I was out walking today when I suddenly noticed and change in the air and a break in the silence that suggested that Spring was just around the corner. I am a great believer that we can all learn a lot by watching and observing nature and despite the fact that it is all around us for most of the time, for most people, they are blind to the obvious signs of change and for me, the first one I noticed was the sound of the birds all making it clear they were around and ready for action. Bird's by default do not make noise unnecessary as it can make them vulnerable to being lunch for a bigger bird, so the only reason they take such a risk is to attract the right kind of attention and not the wrong and the reward is to find a mate. It also is a signal that spring is near and nest building time is close. If you step outside in the next few days and are in the northern hemisphere, enjoy the broken silence of the bird songs while you can as they soon go silent again.

I would like to give a little mention to the new President of the USA Mr D Trump whom set forth his task to the American nation and of which I do not chose to debate but prefer to accept democracy and allow opportunity and fate to take it's role but I do want to remind Mr Trump that it is better to build a bridge than it is to build a wall and and to the right is the reward on offer in the Southern borders to which you may be cutting your nose to spite your face. I do wish Mr Trump every success and only time will tell if it is good or bad for america but he won fair and square under the USA system and I do feel that people should refrain from the protest and verbal abuse and allow a new opportunity to take place and not predict the outcome. For those who are so violently protesting, I feel that you demonstrate in every aspect why democracy is the only way as in reality, your way of rejection, dictatorship and self appointment is truly an unfair option to the majority who voted for the change. I for one would say you only prove that you do not accept democracy and simply reject the will of the people and "Shame on you".

In order to balance up the scales a little, I would like to also comment on the speech to which our Prime Minister made this week which was at least an attempt to be inspirational and only your own point of view or opinion will interpret that as an individual. My own view was that it was very late coming and almost said in anger as an acceptance of rejection from the EU to make and real progress. On a personal note, I also felt it was too obvious that it was going to happen as our last PM also tried to bang the heads of the un-elected EU officials who also reject democracy and without any success. Then what say our new attempt when the last one failed in such style. Move on and step forward, not backward and at least lets start planning for a new venture in an open not closed market place.
