Thursday 2 February 2017

The Storm Has Passed At The Gates Of Heaven

2nd February 2017

Today is a short message but on the which I truly feel is an important one for those who are fighting there own demons and voices in the dark and wish they would simply go silent or fade away into the dark.

I am so often asked "How do you find the strength to carry on after what you went through" and my reply is a simple one. "It's because so many people are so loving and so supporting with words of kindness and encouragement to keep going" and for that reason alone, I keep going because I do not want to give them a reason to feel let down. If me keeping going gives them an ounce of strength to deal with there lives, affairs and gremlins, I will somehow find that extra bit of strength that they gave to me to keep myself going and them the encouragement to follow my path, even if I don't have any map or instruction to the road I'm on.

If I were to offer one piece of my life and some may say wisdom, it would be to say that if you believe in yourself and have faith in something, be prepared for all the criticism and prepare for the glory when that day finally arrives. Everything is possible if you have the drive and determination to make it happen. I wasn't brought up with money, good education or family connections. What I have today is through my own efforts, hard work and self belief. Never loos sight of who you are, where you started and who you met along the way. Not all people are good and not all people are bad, we are a mixture of good and bad, it's your job to work out who not to be involved in. The good are very good and the bad are very bad but the big problem is the good never say they are good and the bad pretend to be good and that is the major difficulty. The bad will tell you the good are bad and the good will say nothing about the bad as wisdom gave them the great gift of allowing you to find out for yourself and as such they kept silent throughout.

 The gift of life is something that if you are reading this is something that many people wished they still had as there time ended yesterday and as such we should all be grateful for the ability to enjoy the smell of fresh air. Never aspire to be something you are not and don't judge others by race, creed or colour but only by who they truly are. I always say "if the root to all Evil is money", "why does the church always ask for money". Call me cynical if you wish, you are entitled to your own opinion. I am well known for my great faith and deep belief but only in humanity, in people and in kindness but not always religion in it's recognised form. I hope people don't judge me for those words, they are not meant to offend but simply to offer my personal view of how I see life from my side of the fence.

I was asked recently "How do you manage to climb these great mountains of achievement with no safety net or rope". I will try to explain that in my own way of expecting nothing in return. I learned very early on that my problem was self confidence which many would not agree but deep inside I feel very lonely and sad. I always reach out to hold someones hand which is more in support than friendship but what I have learned is that the mountain I am climbing whilst holding someones hand is getting harder by each step. This is because I am not getting support but in fact carrying too much wasted baggage and it just makes the journey much longer, harder and with the only reward to be shared by the person to whom's hand I'm carrying. 2016 made the change in my pathway which signified no looking back. I have one person in my life to whom will come with me to the gates of heaven and with no looking back. This person is not baggage but a breath of fresh air who has fought there own demons along the way and provided me with the gift of love to which there is no price to pay. If you find one good person in your life, you are truly blessed as there is no feeling like this in the world and my world is complete in the knowing it took a long time to feel this way but I finally feel love, compassion and comfort through this one person whom I truly miss today and every day until they are here with me which is very soon.