Sunday 14 August 2016

A Drive To Huddersfield 14th August 2016 with Peter Hulbert.

It was a bit of a cold start today, but after a few hours, the sun eventually broke through and showed us all what a beautiful place that Yorkshire truly is.

A bit of a loneley Goose and he must be greatfull it is still a long way to Christmas. It's nice to see nature at it's best here just outside the office in Huddersfield.

The contraversy surrounding wind turbines continues but whilst it will I assume be settles by politicians, I prefer the sentiment that they produce a clean enviroment over a longer period that either atomic or fossil fuel power.
Here is an area where I sometimes go fly fishing for my lunch of rainbow trout. I always follow my own code of conduct and only ever take away rainbow trout and never brown trout.

This is another spot where I am often seen chasing rainbow trout with my fly fishing tackle in hand, its always very quiet here as well with no one except the occasional rider on horse back for company.

Below is a picture I captured whilst I was driving along a country lane on the edge of Derbyshire and noticed a Swallow feeding it's chicks on a fence post, I was probably about 30 meters away when I took this picture.

I captured this picture of an Osprey going about it's work in the last few days. I refuse to divulge where this beautiful bird hunts and flies as there are too many parasites in the UK today who will seek out the nest and steal the eggs to sell and profiteer from the death of the future birds.