Tuesday 15 January 2019

Alive & Kicking In 2019

15th January 2019

Welcome back after the Christmas silence and the festivities which included the "New Year" and all that went with it and lest say Goodbye to 2018 and Hello to 2019 and a bright and positive future for all.........I say all, but I mean all except 4 in my world and those 4 will be dealt with shortly and swiftly along the pathway of 2019.

So my subject today is in regards to BREXIT and as I write this post, I hear that the Government just lost the vote from the MP'S by 230 votes and that is a huge loss to Theresa May and her lies......er, Deal..!! Europe just confirmed they refuse to re-open the negotiation program and in theory, we have a "No Deal" situation which is what the nation voted for. However, I truly expect Theresa May to follow her normal pathway of lies and stop BREXIT and whilst I have no crystal ball, I expect her delay or halt to BREXIT to lead to huge trouble in the UK although I hope and pray that any protests are peaceful. For now, I am celebrating the result as I did back in 2016 when the people voted to leave the EU but sadly we are still here and still wasting both time and money on nonsense instead of leading the nation forward to a positive future under our own management and control of our own destiny. So what next I ask myself, how disrespectful can parliament be to keep denying the will of the people when we have spent masses of money on a dream for Theresa May's Ego.

 So, for the UK and it's strange weather, we are still about 7-8% above what we should expect at this time of year but change is around the corner and snow may not be far away and in Europe, the snow has been severe and cost lives which is so tragic. The USA is about to get a heavy snow storm and we are informed that it could arrive at our door step at any time and whilst I always enjoy the time when snow is here, I am always aware of the dangers that it brings with it and caution is the order of the day, especially on the roads and footpath.

27th January 2019

So the fighting and biting has started for the BREXIT supporters as team "Remain" who deny the democratic right of the people to be acknowledged and respected. Instead, they want a re-run of the election process as a second one (if they win) would be a final result but they fail to say what they would do if they lost. One assumes they would ask for the best of five, or even just stop democracy and bring in the "North Korean" style of elections.

The one this that we can all say for sure about the whole process of BREXIT is that our own as well as overseas politicians have shown just how deceitful and corrupt they all are and with little signs showing that any have morals past their own selfish ego's. I have always said that my version of democracy is not about who wins but who accepts the result at the end, no matter what the outcome and to watch the Labour Party who's leader has voted against every EU recommendation for over 40 years and fight hard to leave, now supporting a remain side is staggering but on the other foot you have Theresa May who voted to remain and surrounded herself with a remain cabinet to claim she will lead the leave the EU government, makes the whole thing madness. I am 101% convinced that I have landed on planet loony and am surrounded by people smoking drugs. The third part (Liberals) simply want to open our doors, feed the world and embrace the EU by flying a white flag over Buckingham Palace and to that end, I will never work out who the allies are and who the real enemy is. UKIP have slipped back so far that they can't even be seen through a strong telescope, despite them being the party of leave and have now opened the door to a person (Tommy Robinson) whom I support but not as a political figure as he is on his own mission and my honest view is whilst I agree with his comments, he will divide UKIP into a "Far Right" and Racist Party and to that end I cannot support such a thing. 

30th January 2019

I don't have a great deal to say today regarding BREXIT or anything else in reality as the Vote in the House of Commons was won but only just won by the Government and the attempt to stop BREXIT was not complete and as the Commons vote kind of put a stop to it, the relief was all their for all to see. The main focus for me was so many of our Political Class's have shown their total disregard to the will of the people who actually pay both their wages and their expenses. However, Im in a positive mood today and being on the bounce back all helps and as such I want to leave the last word on BREXIT and Theresa May to this young lady who sums it all up so well on video.