Thursday 29 November 2018

The Silence Is So Loud

29th November 2018

Here we all are at the end of November and the end of the year creeps ever closer to the point that it's maybe a good time to look back and reflect on what was or what could have been or even what is going to be if we are more positive minded.

 I try hard to avoid Politics on my blogs but I feel that this time, even myself am allowed a say over what is happening within the mainframe of the UK political arena to which I cannot fail to notice that Democracy has been forgone and instead been replaced by propaganda of the worst kind. The situation over BREXIT has totally turned around and the will of the people has been totally ignored in favor of a no leave policy by our Prime Minister and instead she tells us that we are leaving but remaining indefinitely until a later moment in time and we must pay a £39 Billion divorce settlement on the way out of the door along with having no political vote or say within the EU........!!. Yup, thats what I said and it is 100% true but we are all waiting to see how many MP'S have listened to their constituents and who is just brown nosing to climb the ladder to Cabinet at the cost of Democracy and the slavery of the people. I for one am very angry at this situation and not only hope that Mr's May not only looses the vote but looses it with such a huge margin that she suffers her career loss and is forced to resign and be replaced by at least an honest MP. I have no issue with her selling her story but to refuse or deny the people after they voted is pure dictatorship and unforgivable in the world of Peter Hulbert and his followers.

The problem with some people is that they may well provide a nice smile and an attractive proposal but underneath is something ready to bite you that will hurt more than your pride and out Prime Minister Theresa May has fooled the many and also the majority but not the Brexit supporter as we saw through it and for those who try and tell me she is a woman of high morals, I suggest you view the link above by clicking her name and reading the truth about her deep down values as you may be surprised as to what hides beneath the smile of a woman who enjoys a smug dance and smirk at the people to whom she has in the past refused to communicate with on occasions of national disaster such as the people of London have suffered over the last few months. The only reason she is willing to come out fighting now is for her own future but never fought over the UK future in any way. Go check out this woman that the media like to say is the daughter of a vicar and woman of God. You may be shocked and at the very least surprised in what you find. Always remember the rule that is "All that glisten is not always gold". Or in the words of Peter Hulbert, beware of the nice cloths and cute smile as underneath is a snake with very poisonous venom and it is still very hungry and extremely angry. You were warned is all I have to say on this matter and for me, the fight goes on.   

23rd December 2018

Here we are just 48 hours from the Big Man dropping down the chimney and delighting us by stealing the mince pie we left out, and only giving the one carrot left out for Rudolf that was designed to be chopped up and shared for all of the hard working transport team but who am I to complain. We spend out lives warning our children about strangers and then allow one in who is wearing a fake beard and strange cloths to cover up his real look and make sure he is not recognised on CCTV. As if that is not bad enough, we also build a snow man outside which in truth is a naked man wearing nothing but a scarf and smoking a pipe........!!

So, when it comes to hypocrisy we the human race are as bad as it gets in so many ways. I often see and hear about other countries and it never ceases to amaze me just how arrogant we are in the west and how we just judge Christmas on money and pretentious crap. For myself (Peter Hulbert) I prefer the more honest and simple Christmas where is focused on people and being kind and not about who got the latest Play Station or Best Gold Watch. There are people around the world who have nothing and I would happily give all my presents to someone in need than someone in want. My question to you all is but a simple one. What are you doing for Christmas and will it be focused on you or others. Sadly, most people will answer this question with a moral lie but I understand why but why do we not offer a little kindness to others over what is a period of so called "Good Will To Others" where does the good will start and end. How many will offer a McDonalds to someone homeless of penniless or simply give an old out of fashion coat or pair of shoes that has never been worn but not this years fashion to someone in genuine need. Not many I suspect. Ok, so the rant is over and I hope I have pricked your conscience in some little way and made you aware that there is real poverty in the world and the madness and selfishness that the west seems to embrace through it's plastic throw away system and yet people are sleeping in the street who only wish for a warm corner that is dry and safe. Lets hope that 2019 is a more caring world with less self motivation and more sharing. 

28th December 2018

Here we are, back on the blog and updating what I did or didn't do over the last few days over the festive period and to be honest, it's been a bit of a revelation in doing nothing more that thinking and eating which is pretty much what I set out to do, so in many ways it's been a success in the world of Peter Hulbert by at least completing what I set out to do, albeit nothing......!!

I, like many others are looking forward to 2019 with a tainted breath of fresh air and for no real reason except that 2018 has gone and 2019 is arriving and whilst I do not make many predictions, I will say that it's looking like an exciting year ahead for a whole array of different reasons and all have been carefully thought out and planned in advance. The good will get better and the bad will get worse is the best I can offer right now but watch out for the fireworks as we move along the pathway of positivity and head forward to success at a sufficient rate of knots to set the sky on fire.
So Christmas has been and gone and all I have to show for it all is a pile of wrapping paper and lots of stuff for the re-cycling centre that quite frankly makes it all seem a joke in the end but sadly it is the world that we live in and is generally known as the throw away age where people have little if any respect for anything except there own ego.

My question to you all is but a simple one and reminds me of the words I said on my honeymoon which was "How was it for you" and was it as expected or a bit of a let down. For me it is more of a drag than an excitement as it never seems to end and as I generally dislike the falseness of it all, I would prefer to spend the time in a more valued way by achieving something at the end of it all instead of simply falling asleep through sheer boredom through over indulging of all the things that we like and the experts tell us are so bad for us. I was amused by the sighting of Skeleton Santa last week which summarised it very well for me by suggesting it was a long time coming and so let down by the end result and the fact that this Santa died whilst waiting suggests he has the same attitude to the whole escapade too.

For the crazy ones amongst you all, can I suggest a great prank to which you can play at the re-cycling centre with your cast off Christmas tree that has no purpose anymore for the rest of the year and in many instances has fulfilled it's requirements but may have one last purpose of which could give you such a buzz if you follow the instructions below and view the image to the right of how to bundle up the tree and take it to the centre for re-cycling. If your local centre is like mine, it will be occupied by rude and obnoxious people who are abrupt and ignorant and always have a health and safety reason why they cannot help you with heavy objects, this one was designed just for them. Simply wrap the tree as shown and carry it in a way that suggests it's truly heavy and make little eye contact with the staff at the centre but keep looking around as if to suggest you are doing something very wrong and don't want to be seen. My feeling is you will attract attention like a dog's arse does to a fly and only you will ever know it is a 100% joke or prank on the recycle centre staff and for the whole world to see, you have done nothing wrong but will be treated like a mass murderer on the run from the FBI. Good luck with it and I hope it goes well. It should leave a smile on your face that will last all through the new year.

31st December 2018

The countdown is now official and we are fast approaching the new year and 2019. I just received a call from my friends in New Zealand

 followed shortly after from my Guru & long time friends in Australia and we celebrated the new year together and in just a few hours time I will be celebrating again with someone else from the southern hemisphere while they bring in the new year also, so it's quite a busy and exciting time today.

It's really an exciting time for all. I just heard from Rosie who is celebrating the traditional way as only the Scots can do but in her case with a twist, she lives in Australia and but a few doors from Alick which is a reminder how small the world really is.

It's a happy and exciting time for so many today and lets all share in the hope that 2019 is a peaceful and prosperous time for all and that we all learn the lessons laid out to us of the past. Forgiveness is a great lesson to learn and never to hurt or harm others is another. Accept that we all share this planet and that despite our differences, we all need to exist and the kindest way to do this is by sharing, so all I wish to do now is to offer you all my very best wishes and a "Happy New Year" for 2019 from myself "Peter Hulbert" and hope that you keep on supporting my blogs in the new year and sharing out thoughts together as we soldier on through adversity and whatever the world throws at us.