Sunday 12 August 2018

Never A Day Goes By.

12th August 2018

So, here we are and just past the 1st 3rd of August and for some strange reason, this month is speeding up and I confess that I don't like it. I seem to blink and a week has gone bye and I go to bed and a month has shot past. Please can somebody stop the world as I want to get off.
So, what was on your minds over the last fed days since I wrote my last few words, I was surprised to find out that someone from my past who owes me a great deal of money passed away. "Yes", I know what you are thinking, I am supposed to say "Sadly Passed Away" but honestly, I don't give a shit as this guy was a drain to so many and even in his hour of need, he never changed his course of lazy and dirty. He brought much shame on his family, friends and all around and the best I can say is that the debts he left for so many is enough to say I have no conscience and feel nothing for this person. Wanna know who is it, "Click Here".   I would normally not say too much about this subject out of pure respect but in this instance, I know too many people who are probably having a party right now to celebrate this person meeting his end and whilst there is an official version of what took place, I for one and reluctant to believe that but favor my own version that a Doctor in Sierra Leon was paid to say he died of natural causes instead of confirming that he owed money to people in Africa who lost patience with his stories and as a result, this person lost his heart beat through a variety of reasons and perhaps even a bullet. For me, my sympathy goes out to his "Ex Wife" who suffered for years at this persons ability to never pay any upkeep for his children and his 2 children to whom he treated with total contempt for so many years. I also feel a degree of sympathy to the people who he owes money to in the many business ventures he convinced so many to invest into and failed on so many accounts. I know of at least 3 but am aware of more.

19th August 2018

So, here we are on a Sunday night in August and the only thing I can recall tight now is that it was my sisters birthday this weekend but for the life of me, I can't remember her age. All that is know is that when the Egyptians were building the Pyramids, she was a helper for the foundations. The big event that I remember over the last 7 days was not so much of a surprise as I predicted it a few months ago but the return to mainstream politics was never the less, good news and welcome back Nigel Farrage and whilst I was expecting that you would put your name forward to lead UKIP, my expectation is that will happen in the Autumn around the party conference season and after Nigel returns from both Australia & New Zealand. So, that was my quick update on the politics corner and heading toward my world and what have I been up to............."Well, Not a Lot" is the simple answer. It's been very quiet and mainly down to the fact that it is holiday season in the UK and many people are out of place and position right now. I will be out and about a little this coming week and should have one or two exciting things to share with you and on the positive things in my world, they are going rather well right now and I will update you all in due course. My day at the farm was a good one and I was welcomed as always by cattle more than people but hey ho, we take what we can get.

As with most if not all of the farms in the area, the wheat yield will be down this year due to the lack of water through the summer and as there is no expected rain for the coming weeks, this looks unlikely to change and as such it has to be expected that prices will be affected in the end result. I took this picture to show anyone who's interested exactly what wheat looks like and about 99% of this will go towards cereal for the supermarket buyers. Ultimately, most wheat ends up there although there are other uses. The summer has been excellent for holiday makers but whilst the sun is appreciated by farmers, we usually need a good mixture of both sun & rain to exploit the best from the land and this year it has been 90% sun and little rain and that spells bad news in the end. The dairy cattle have suffered too as the grass was dry with little if any goodness in the feed and as such we are already using winter feed to supplement the diet and to be honest, we need some rain quite urgently to save the year for milk production. Even the sheep look a little lost this year and whilst happy to chew there way through the day, they too have not had a good time of the weather this year, although Im sure they enjoyed the warmer nights. I have got an appointment at the Dentist this week and no doubt they will be searching for work in the vast cavity I call my mouth.

9th September 2018

We reached this point and sometimes when I look back I ask myself how and why but with nobody to explain I simply say we did and that's what matters most. I recount my days in this memory to my life in an effort to actually justify and forgive others for what they have done to myself and in many respects many others along the way and to than end I find the word forgive the hardest part. In life we all need to learn from our mistakes and mine was to trust others, for there education I survived and what I will say is your learning is about to start. I am not always known for my tolerance of others in as much as forgiveness is always the answer and to that end I also believe that to taste ones own medicine is often the best way to sample what you thought was good for the goose and I believe is also good for the gander and for those who are close to me, you know I look like an elephant and my memory is as good as an elephants and revenge is sometimes the best education to those who now forget what they did. My day's have passed and yours are about to begin and the good news for myself is that I survived, one wonders whether you will cope and adjust as well as I did.  I feel blessed that some very positive things came from my experience and ordeal and I discovered two very important things in my life. The first was who my friends were and the second is who I am and from that very discovery, I found I had good people in my life as well as bad and the bad have been removed and the good developed to even more good. I am now engaged to be married to the most wonderful person in the world to whom I have truly been searching for all of my life and at long last have found. My beautiful "CR" is forever mine and to my dying day will always treasure as the most precious person I could have ever wished to meet. I am always known as the one who will find a reason to be positive in a world full of negativity and throughout my darkest time, I stayed focused and positive and the good came in the end from what at first seemed like a long and dark tunnel of no return.

Sometimes in life we see the furthest point in our sight but often miss whats right underneath our nose and the picture to the left is a great example of life. I know that you are trying to focus on the object (Pipeline) crossing what appears to be a river but in truth it is actually and view that I captured myself of the reservoir ladybower dam at it's lowest point for years due to the lack of rainfall in 2018 and whilst it looks for all that it is a river, it is the beginning of the lake to which should span from trees to the left all the way across to the trees on the right and was made famous because it is part that it played in history and in particular world war two and formed part of the original flight path for the 617 squadron the world famous "Dam Busters" who used the dam above called Derwent because of it's similarity to it's target in Germany and was used to practice in readiness for the attack on the German industry in order to slow down the production of both steel and weapons and as they flew and practiced the bombing raid, the next thing they saw after the flight across and over the reservoir wall was this view across the second lake and down the Derwent valley. It was an amazing feat of bravery to which I salute and give thanks to these brave souls who without even a thought, risked all to provide me with the freedom I now have today.

16th September 2018

So, here we are and already past the middle of September and really feeling the changes to which autumn brings to the UK by way of both colour and nature and for me and my camera, it's truly a blessing from the Gods.
The last few days have been taken up in rather a solom time and very worrying moment to which for me was like the world had ground to a halt. My partner and for those who are not aware of this person, they are a Doctor of Medicine and also a Surgeon of Dentistry who is presently caught up in the worlds biggest Typhoon in the Philippines. They tried to dodge the main storm by traveling North which at that time showed on the outside of the storm but ironically the storm changed direction and moved north which trapped them with nowhere to go except take refuge in a safe place while the eye of the storm passed right over head. As such, my week has been filled with little more than worry and fear for others to whom as of yesterday, confirmed they are safe and well and a survivor of the worlds biggest typhoon.